Saxophones tenor sax valuation - Giardinelli

I have the chance of yet another sax , a tenor sax Giardinelli-company model 1016, the seller bought it from new in New York in 1980 and is offering it to me at a certain price which i wish to keep to myself but i am wondering what the actual valuation on such a sax is.
might need 1 or 2 pads and a few corks etc, usual wear and tear but other than that it is in fine playing order.
I don't have pictures yet.
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All I could find out is that some later ones seem to be Amati stencils.

So the question is - who made it? Which model's been stencilled.

And what's the keywork/sound like.

I guess, without seeing it or having any idea about it, that the price needs to be pretty low. Unless the seller can prove it's a Conn or something else desireable, if 1980s Conns are desirable >:).
Never heard of the maker. Google only lists two posts for this model, both yours! Its lack of exposure means its value will suffer if ever you sell. What makes you want to buy it, unless you've played one and it is a sleeper keeper?

I bought another "unknown" make, a Carmichael Tenor, which my pro tutor preferred to a BW in a blind test-off. This mint sax was £40, so worth a punt. Is your purchase around this figure? If so, go for it!

Never heard of the maker. Google only lists two posts for this model, both yours! Its lack of exposure means its value will suffer if ever you sell. What makes you want to buy it, unless you've played one and it is a sleeper keeper?

I bought another "unknown" make, a Carmichael Tenor, which my pro tutor preferred to a BW in a blind test-off. This mint sax was £40, so worth a punt. Is your purchase around this figure? If so, go for it!

nowhere near that figure, but i looked up the maker and they produce $2000 + saxes and some less of course.
but it is the model 1016 i want info on.
Giardinelli is a music supplier here in the U.S. that merged with another large mail order/online outfit, Musician's Friend. They are all owned by Guitar Center, yet another giant retail and mail order music supplier.

As others have mentioned, the company has sold a number of stenciled horns, Czech, Taiwanese and the like under their house name Giardinelli, all of which would fall into the student to intermediate class of horns. Nothing rare or special about them, so don't pay too much!
thanks for the info saxismyaxe, the seller is asking waaay too much and he wondered why i laughed when he said €1250!!! i thought to ask on here to be sure just in case it was a rare find or some hidden gem, i got my answer and i will give the seller his answer which will be a huge NO, that is if i can stop laughing first, a case of someone trying to rip off and/or trying their luck...

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