Beginner Sax Tenor sax advice needed

Morning all, well still very pleased to be back playing and have played everyday and it seems its like riding a bike. Haven't forgotten as much i thought.

Here's the thing though, i still have it in mind that i prefer the sound of a tenor - which is what i intended to start playing before. I had a walstein which i subsequently sold when i stopped playing a few years ago. Now i am starting to get a hankering for another tenor. My problem is that i have very small little hands and had problems reaching the lower notes on the walstein. Can anyone recommend a tenor that might be more suitable for under £1000 quid? I thought perhaps a yamaha but not really in a position to go and try them out, no decent shops near. Any advice gratefully received.
I'm not familiar with shops in your area. It may be worth the effort of travelling up to Bradford and Woodwind Exchange where you could try a vast array of new and second hand horns.
Hi tenorviol. Yes that would be ideal but i live in South Wales and its rather a trek. I just wondered if anyone, perhaps those that teach or anyone else with small hands might have an idea of a model that might be suitable.
You could try here I think one of our members used to recommend him. His site says to call if he hasn't got something you want listed.

I have small hands and was wanting to switch to tenor a few years back. I tried Yanagasawa, Selmer Paris and Yamaha. The Yani felt fantastic and fit my hands great, the Selmer came a close second and the Yamaha, well, I didn't even blow it as I could tell straight away it was too big.
I actually bought the Selmer because I liked the sound.
I would have thought you would be able to get a second hand Yani within your budget. The best thing though, is to go and try some out even if it is a trek.....
Thanks Jeanette, yes that's not far from me i could give him a call.

Pauline i have also been looking at the selmer and yani so that's really helpful. I am not in any rush as i am still enjoying re-learning on the alto (its a trevor james). Good to start keeping an eye out though. I may see if I can go on a little trip to visit a really good shop though.

Thanks for the replies
At the risk of repeating myself on other posts I have just bought a Yani and have noticed I am over-reaching on the pinkie table and Eb/C spats, having only owned vintage tenors before it's proving a bit of a challenge but it's going to be worth it as although I have big hands they are getting older and not as nimble as they were.

But as with any purchase I do believe it's essential to try the instrument before you buy, unless you are willing to buy/sell until you find one you like which can be an expensive option.

Good luck with your seach.
Thanks majordennis, thats interesting. I think i shall have to go and have a look somewhere and have a little try. I had the same problem with the walstein particularly the right hand and if memory serves thats one reason i stopped playing.

Now i will have a search to see if there are any decent shops down south. Saying that my daughter is in birmingham uni and we have to collect her at xmas, so perhaps a little side trip could be had if there are any likely shops in the midlands.
Last post promise, @milandro has some tenors in the yard sale you could pc him for advice about the reach for small hands but not easy to test them before purchase 🙂

🙂 Thanks Jeanette you have been busy! I think I will have to and try some out first. Also would be good to hear them play.

Jbtsax thanks but i think those (correct me if i am wrong) are only available in US.

Colin that is a very cheap price isn't it. I am a bit nervy about a "shop" brand. Dont know why, are they any good for a learner? Of course i could get a cheaper sax and a fabulously expensive mouthpiece 😉

Anyway thank you all for your suggestions, certainly given me something to think about.
🙂 Thanks Jeanette you have been busy! I think I will have to and try some out first. Also would be good to hear them play.

Jbtsax thanks but i think those (correct me if i am wrong) are only available in US.

Colin that is a very cheap price isn't it. I am a bit nervy about a "shop" brand. Dont know why, are they any good for a learner? Of course i could get a cheaper sax and a fabulously expensive mouthpiece 😉

I have G4M tenor , alto and sop. They all play fine and I busk and gig them. Stay away from their reduced, shop soiled/demo models which are in my opinion returns with faults. Unless you're handy that is.

There are several members on here who have alto and tenor and are very content with them.
Is Bristol too far for you? Trevor Jones Woodwind on Chrustmas Steps in Bristol are great. I bought my alto, tenor and Bari there. He will get out all the instruments in your price range, take you upstairs to his practice room and leave you to it. No hard sell, no pressure. The saxes sell themselves.
If you've got small hands ..Don't get and old Martin Handcraft.... judging by mine the right hand would a bit of a spread !

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