Tenor parts supplies

Have played the arta guban for a few weeks but its needs work and as the value is low (£65) and have another sax on loan from a friend have decided to rebuild it from the ground up.

I initially thought it was ok for me to play and have a bit of fun with but the more i played it the more it loosened up and started leaking air and rattling.

Am happy with most technical jobs and have the time to take it slow and steady so its just parts sources needed at the moment, am sure that will change when the head scratching starts!

Will need some pads a couple are hard and 2 have not been centred over the tone holes so will need replacing.

The corks are brittle and some look like they have been bodged to stop rattles rather than looking beyond the rattle.

In the perfect world yes i would take it to a tech but the reason i have it and not a new sax is money, i have time and engineering skill but cash, not much.

thanks in advance.

any help appreciated.

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