No don't be alarmed, this thread is not about the TV show. I had the thought this morning that one thing that perhaps distinguishes learning the saxophone (and like instruments) is that traditionally people learn closely working with veteran players. For example contrast a young jazz saxophonist with a young rock guitarist. The horn player is going to jam sessions, workshops, master classes etc. and the guitar player is doing open mics, bar shows and jamming with people generally at a similar level of ability (and of course listening to a lot of records but that's a different kind of apprenticeship I think).
I don't think there's as much an emphasis on being tutored for the rock guitarist. Am I on the mark here? Maybe my coffee hasn't kicked in...
This relates I think to many adult learners like people on this forum who for various reasons don't learn in the same apprentice/teacher environment, but being aware of that is maybe one more reason to seek out situations where you can learn in that way.
How many of you feel you've had this kind of apprentice experience? Was it important in learning the saxophone?
I don't think there's as much an emphasis on being tutored for the rock guitarist. Am I on the mark here? Maybe my coffee hasn't kicked in...
This relates I think to many adult learners like people on this forum who for various reasons don't learn in the same apprentice/teacher environment, but being aware of that is maybe one more reason to seek out situations where you can learn in that way.
How many of you feel you've had this kind of apprentice experience? Was it important in learning the saxophone?