It's not about how good or bad you are. It's about the love of playing and fascination with the instrument.
I play because I must. It lifts my mood , it heals my heart and soothes my soul. I'm a bit of a grumpy nuts when I can't play. Solutions to problems come while playing. The most common solution being, "Err why did I think that was a problem?"
Playing can be an introduction to people from all walks of life and a great topic of conversation.
Don't ever worry how good you are, merely strive to improve and enjoy where you are. The wonder of non players will come and the appreciation of fellow musicians for just turning up is not to be sniffed at.
The more you play, the better you hear and the harder you listen.
Don't focus on the destination and miss out on the journey.
The best saxophone player in the world? Scores of different opinions and it will change on the day, if not by the hour.
Let your playing be a fulfilment not a competition and music will ensue.