Take Five - is the head played staccato?

Hi there,

Just a quick query that someone might be able to help with. After admiring it from a distance for some time, I've started to play Take Five recently and the notes (and time signature) are becoming a bit familiar.

I'd like to get as close as possible to Paul Desmond's Time Out recording, but I just can't figure out whether he's playing staccato or not. It's so very smooth but yet there's perfect articulation of the notes. The only way I can get anything similar is to tongue the notes, but that's making it harder to play (which is fine) but also making it a bit too pronounced. I'm happy to practice practice practice, but would love to hear from someone that has played it, is happy with the result and could tell me whether they tongue most of the notes in the head or just a few to bring out the melody.

Thanks in advance.
Hi there,

Just a quick query that someone might be able to help with. After admiring it from a distance for some time, I've started to play Take Five recently and the notes (and time signature) are becoming a bit familiar.

I'd like to get as close as possible to Paul Desmond's Time Out recording, but I just can't figure out whether he's playing staccato or not. It's so very smooth but yet there's perfect articulation of the notes. The only way I can get anything similar is to tongue the notes, but that's making it harder to play (which is fine) but also making it a bit too pronounced. I'm happy to practice practice practice, but would love to hear from someone that has played it, is happy with the result and could tell me whether they tongue most of the notes in the head or just a few to bring out the melody.

Thanks in advance.

Therein lies the problem, Desmond was such a genius, his articulation was immaculate which meant he didn't need to play staccato. The more I listen to Paul Desmond the more I realise just how far off that standard I am and how much more work I need to spend on my own technique. When I try an emulate the great man, I semi tongue the ridge surrounding the pallet in your mouth, its like soft tonguing the note.

Good luck with it though, all good things come to those that wait or should that read persist!
I think is what they call legato tonguing?

The best way to learn his articulation is to listen, play, analyse (emulation). and keep on repeating until you get closer to his sound. It will also improve your tone, phrasing. Everything.

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