why not ask them? - click on the faqs on the synthophone website and scroll down, there's contact details -
Martin Hurni
softwind at
phone (01141) 31 311 28
it's not got the VL70 embedded, it's a midi wind controller that may have a few extra functions than the WX5 - I've not read all the manual and compared it to the Yamaha
Synthophone will customise the instrument to your specifications, so for example they can programme it to respond to altissimo fingerings and there's a five part harmony function.
There are better synth modules than the VL70
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All of this wind electronic wind stuff is new to me so I much appreciate your help Altissimo. At £2250 ($3295) it is a lot more expensive than a WX5 and VL70, however you suggest there are better synths at a similar price?
You can go well and truly daft with these things Prof. I started out with a Casio DH-100 into a cheapo Yamaha keyboard. That was followed by an EWI 3000 + module + Walldorf synth (don't make 'em anymore). Threw that out and got one of the first the EWI 4000's with built in synth and Patchman sounds + the old Walldorf synth and a Yamaha sequenzer + synth machine and a Yamaha (forgotten the name) synth/sequenzer keyboard all that plus a Lexicon MPX100 effects machine on some of the outputs. I spent an awful lot of time making an awful lot of noise but eventually got rid of the whole lot. Like I said you can go well and truly daft with this stuff. These days I have three saxes, a flute, a bunch of blues harps and a very nice straight forward electric piano. I came across the Synthophone at the Frankfurt trade fair in '93 - seemed a bit daft to me at the time. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and if it grabs you I would say take the WX5 route and checkout some rack synths, they can do so much these days.
Have fun Prof. I tried the WX5 when it first came out and was very impressed but didn't have the bucks to buy and then when I had the money the EU loonies had banned it. So ended up with the EWI as above. Keep us posted how you get on, I've still got a soft spot for synths.
I`ve just got an EWI4000S . to me , It`s like a cross between a clarinet and an ARP Odyssey . I`m finding the octave roller thing a challenge at the moment
Hi Ads - my Tip: get the Patchman sounds for it - you won't regret it - they're so much better than the standard sounds from AKAI. Hope you get used to the touch sensitive keyboard. Mike Brecker et al had it sussed but I never did. Another tip: if you have very dry fingers in the midst of a high pressure weather zone sometimes the key contact doesn't react, spit on your fingers or breathing sweaty thoughts or wet dreams into your cupped hands cures the problem.

And last but not least Spike's EWI octave rollers tip: if you're having problems with that try using the inside of the knuckle as a pivot and swivelling the thumb from the knuckle on the rollers otherwise you may end up jumping up and down octaves all over the place. Have fun - gruss - spike
Thanks Spike - I`m used to a sax octave lever so jumping the octaves is weird to say the least, I`ll give that a go .........

I have the editor and I don`t need to pay patchman silly amounts of money to program a 2 VCO monosynth (I was doing it before Patchman were even dreamed of 😉) . it sounds fantastic, more like an Odyssey than a Mini but that`s no bad thing

I do get dry fingers, the Akai is better than most 🙂 ...... I`ve turned the pitch bend sensitivity off as I kep doing it accidently due to using that area as a thumbrest - I`m finding the touchpieces for the pinkie "tables" a bit short .

I love the control, dial up a moog modular type sound , vary between "spitting" and breathing into the thing and Switched on Bach just rolls ouf of the thing - the 5000 being a Rompler misses out in all this..... also brilliant playing Men of Harlech with the EWI doing an Odyssey type leadline with massive choral sounds from the Midi`d up Roland Module 🙂
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I`ve not tried rotating them, I doubt they lengthen, though I guess being sensory touch pieces they could easily be replaced for longer or more sax shaped ones , I`m amazed that no one has made any
The VL70 that I got with the WX5 already has the Patchman chip upgrade so plenty of things for me to choose from on the synth. A big thank you to Jeremyjuicewah who I met with last Thursday and who has let me "trial" the outfit.

This forum has some great people.
The VL70 that I got with the WX5 already has the Patchman chip upgrade so plenty of things for me to choose from on the synth. A big thank you to Jeremyjuicewah who I met with last Thursday and who has let me "trial" the outfit.

This forum has some great people.

Then how did they let you through the gaps, management will simply have to be informed, there's an argument that it's too late now, seeing how we already let 1 in.


Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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