Swap Gold Lawton Mouthpiece for Silver


I play with a silver sax and I think always will, so I want to swap to match colour. I picked up an 8 the other day with a silver cover which brought me to writing this. I have various sizes from 5 to 8 for Alto and a couple of Tenor and I think all by Geoff (I know I should know but how do you tell?). All in very nice condition. In work atm so can't be too precise but I think it's 5, 6, 7, 8 Alto and 5B, 6 Tenor. The main one I want to swap is my Alto 6B Special but will happily swap all.
I wonder how did this get so off topic, it's in the marketplace and the OP is asking about swapping mouthpieces. Yes, I know, I posted the image of the Buescher catalogue, but that was relevant to the topic of silver plating.

Off topic is OK in most forums but should not happen in the marketplace so please keep posts here relevant to the OP, thanks.

When I get time I will move all the irrelevant (but still interesting) discussion.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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