Studio vs. live microphone position


Café Supporter
From my viewpoint on the Hummock of Inexhaustable Ignorance it seems that microphone postions are different in the studio... pointing to left hand is common advice... compared to live performance where clip-ons in particular point to the bowels of the bell

Why 'tis so?
Because live engineers are often gifted with underperforming neurons.
A mic pointing at the bell picks up all sort of midrange saucepan frequencies that make their lives easier: stronger signal, less chances of feedback. The fact that a saxophone ends up sounding like a kazoo does not affect them.
Also they get less spills from other instrument.

This said, I also worked with sound engineers that accepted my preferred position, cursed my family, but did a great job (I always try to have very few things in my monitor, and usually no saxophone)
Because live engineers are often gifted with underperforming neurons.
A mic pointing at the bell picks up all sort of midrange saucepan frequencies that make their lives easier: stronger signal, less chances of feedback. The fact that a saxophone ends up sounding like a kazoo does not affect them.
Also they get less spills from other instrument.

This said, I also worked with sound engineers that accepted my preferred position, cursed my family, but did a great job (I always try to have very few things in my monitor, and usually no saxophone)
So is it a realistic proposition to direct a clip on mic towards the left handed Grail of Holies?
So is it a realistic proposition to direct a clip on mic towards the left handed Grail of Holies?
To the upper lip of the bell, or LH cluster. I did it successfully for years with a dynamic Sennheiser clip on.
Still the soundperson will think you put it wrong and try to correct your gross error.

My trick was having a small rack with lights and numbers, give them a LR cable and askthem if they like it.

A friend of mine (actually a sound engineer I worked with, on a long contract) had to plan the PA for the Chick Corea EB in Sardinia. He got the best outboard available, but when the band arrived, they just handed him a LR cable each. He could have done it with 8 stereo channels.
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