Saxophones Strange "Second Chance Offer" on ebay. You too?

Not this morning, although I do often get them when the successful bidder fails to pay for an item I've also bid on.
Got two in the last 3 weeks, never happened before obviously more people are backing out of deals. Both are genuine btw, with contact phone numbers, etc. on items I had bids on.
If you think it's fake, contact the seller directly (from the original listing) and find out.
Hope this helps,
Watch out if it's a Bauhaus Walstein copper bronze tenor, it has a crease on the lip of the bell. I sent one back 2 weeks back and the owner still tried to charge me for 50% of the postage.
not had one for a while, but I used to get emails for bogus second chance offers that were a bit suspect - the instrument magically changed sellers and continents - no reply when I asked how a sax could suddenly be for sale in the USA instead of England..
since then I've always ignored second chance emails - if it's not a message in my Ebay inbox, then I regard it as fake

There are a lot of dodgy sellers and buyers on ebay, dunno how they fake the 100% positive feedback..
I'm always a bit wary of stock photos taken from manufacturers' websites etc, although some genuine dealers do this..
In re. Second time offers. You can negotiate a final price, particularly if the third bidder has bid much less than you. I had a second time offer for an expensive Alto, and the third bidder had bid £100 or so less than me, so I asked the seller to split the the difference, he accepted, so saving £50 plus. The second time offer, is what it is, an offer, so you can take it or leave it, along with he seller.Jamesmac
I bid on a Brand New YTS-23.
Yes, brand new (?).
Seller was selling several brand new "old" model Yamahas.
He is a "0" feedback newbie.
He's in Holland.
He was also selling a YAS-475 he described as a Tenor, with a photo of an Alto.
He used the same photos for several saxes listed.
The listings ended at 5am this morning.
Not looking good so far eh?

My bid didn't win and was 6th as I'd bid low just on the "off-chance".
I had a second chance offer this morning at 10am at my bid price.
I phoned ebay who confirmed it was a genuine offer, and who were unconcerned that I was only 6th yet still offered the sax.
Ebay suggested I message the seller to ask why I'd been offered the sax when there were four higher bidders (plus the winner).
I have done this with no reply yet.
Ebay said I ran no risk by paying via PayPal as I'd be protected if the (newbie) seller was hoping to try on some sort of scam.

So, ALL alarm bells are ringing BUT the worst that happens is I lose the money for a while until PayPal refunds me for non-delivery of the sax. It IS a VERY attractive price for a brand new YTS-23. And that's supposed to be a very good sax is it not?

There was someone selling Yamaha Altos in the London area last year. Stupid prices. Was a scam. With what you've told us above, it sounds as if it's either a complete scam, or he's selling 'replicas'. The YAS 23 went out of production many many years ago. New old stock is unlikely. I'd only bid on that if it was a reputable buyer.
I bid on a Brand New YTS-23.
Yes, brand new (?).
Seller was selling several brand new "old" model Yamahas.
He is a "0" feedback newbie.
He's in Holland.
He was also selling a YAS-475 he described as a Tenor, with a photo of an Alto.
He used the same photos for several saxes listed.
The listings ended at 5am this morning.
Not looking good so far eh?

My bid didn't win and was 6th as I'd bid low just on the "off-chance".
I had a second chance offer this morning at 10am at my bid price.
I phoned ebay who confirmed it was a genuine offer, and who were unconcerned that I was only 6th yet still offered the sax.
Ebay suggested I message the seller to ask why I'd been offered the sax when there were four higher bidders (plus the winner).
I have done this with no reply yet.
Ebay said I ran no risk by paying via PayPal as I'd be protected if the (newbie) seller was hoping to try on some sort of scam.

So, ALL alarm bells are ringing BUT the worst that happens is I lose the money for a while until PayPal refunds me for non-delivery of the sax. It IS a VERY attractive price for a brand new YTS-23. And that's supposed to be a very good sax is it not?

Exactly the same as myself david.. I bid on the yts 23 and the "yas 475 tenor" and was outbid on both. I asked the seller for pictures and got not reply. Asked if the yas 475 was a tenor or alto, again no reply. I was second highest bidder in both auctions and got a second chance offer on both. Again asked if tenor or alto. Still no reply. It is all a bit strange. He has no feedback and just joined. I am tempted to buy one or both but not without some response from the seller. Also freepost to anywhere in the world does seem a bit overgenerous!
Exactly the same as myself david.. I bid on the yts 23 and the "yas 475 tenor" and was outbid on both. I asked the seller for pictures and got not reply. Asked if the yas 475 was a tenor or alto, again no reply. I was second highest bidder in both auctions and got a second chance offer on both. Again asked if tenor or alto. Still no reply. It is all a bit strange. He has no feedback and just joined. I am tempted to buy one or both but not without some response from the seller. Also freepost to anywhere in the world does seem a bit overgenerous!
My wife thinks it must be a sax retailer who has found a door hidden behind a cupboard and this leads to a stock room they'd forgotton about, filled with saxes from 20 years ago.

What can the scam be? Unless as a new ebayer AND PayPal'er they think they can just run off with all the PayPal receipts?

Have you thought of phoning the seller? The address exists in Amsterdam, but may not be HIS address of course!

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Also i should add there were four bidders higher than myself for the yts 23 and i was second highest bid for the yas 475 tenor.
Where do you see his telephone number David? Or address? I have a friend in amsterdam who could check for me
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What can the scam be? Unless as a new ebayer AND PayPal'er they think they can just run off with all the PayPal receipts?


There is a way a fraudster can have it away on his toes with the loot. I'm certainly not going to post how it's done on a public forum, but if you're really curious let me know by PM.
Would love to hear jonf, sent you a pm.
I had a friend in amsterdam ring the guys contact number. She told me its fake and will explain all tomorrow when i meet her.
Phew close shave. Should i bother to contact ebay? DO they care?
So, ALL alarm bells are ringing BUT the worst that happens is I lose the money for a while until PayPal refunds me for non-delivery of the sax. It IS a VERY attractive price for a brand new YTS-23. And that's supposed to be a very good sax is it not?


You are adopting a hedging tactic against a virtually guaranteed fail

Does this mean that PayPal will be out of pocket when they inevitably have to refund you?

If so will that be reflected in their future fee structure?
Thanks jonf, didnt know that, very interesting. And of course a fraudster like that is always playing on peoples greed/enthusiasm for a bargain..
By the way couldnt reply to your pm as your inbox is full ....

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