Still Wanting a Bass Clarinet

Hi all,

Ive trawled through SOTW with little success- it seems everyone needs one.

Im still after a fairly good Bass clarinet to use at Uni next year- I really dont want to take the Crap ABS Jupiter one.

Ill consider any offer's- can sort out some cash or trade.

Thanks in advance.
nah- managed to get over my financial crisis by selling my internal organs and my kids! Also got a damn fine new mpc on the bass clarinet and tracked down a heinous leak.... now it sounds superb and i love it dearly!!
Ah good- im glad you're pleased with a Bundy Bass!
Unfortunately, anywhere i want to go they dread any ABS model and are all for a Low C Buffet Prestige- however i havent got £6500 to get one!
Ill carry on looking though.
out of interest what MP did you get for it?

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