Saxophones Stephanhouser alto

I know what you are saying Ads but it didn't sell and they are really impressive. May be a deal could be struck? Just pointing out and hoping someone buys it..!
It impressed me as being very solidly made, comfortable, well in tune and LOUD. The metal key touches instead of pearl are cool as well.

Buy it to play rather than an investment. And deafen those pesky guitarists.

I`d certainly consider one, something different from the usual Taiwanese stuff (both normal and hot-rodded) or the Selmers, Yams and Yanis and their clones ...

So long as it`s not got warble or odd Stuffy note issues which some Taiwanese Altos can suffer (some Jupes and TJs from experience), it should be a good addition for almost anyone ... I take it you`ve managed to keep yours Prof 🙂
Am I correct in saying they're no longer made? How long did they make them for?
What would worry me is service life for a "new" brand, and re-sale value, as Rhys said before.
Bearing these worries in mind Prof, what would you pay for one now?
Prof, I know the 2000 is the top alto model, but which is the top tenor? Is it the 700, and have you tried one?

Why so many alto models: 500; 1000; 1500; 2000, but only two tenors: 500; 700?

Smart engraving...


Am I correct in saying they're no longer made? How long did they make them for?
What would worry me is service life for a "new" brand, and re-sale value, as Rhys said before.
Bearing these worries in mind Prof, what would you pay for one now?
Having owned a 1500 for over a year I believe them to be in the same league as a Yam, Yani, Cannonball but with none of the prestige attahced to those famous names. My opinion of course but there are a lot of similar opinions if you care to Google. Alto models 500 and 1000 were regarded as intemediate I believe then the 1500 pro horn and the 2000 - same as 1500 but with "silver" neck and collar.

Tenors came in two models I believe 500 intermediate and 700 a "step up" (!) from intermediate (still gathering info!). Not sure how long ago they went bust, it is certainly several years.

I think they first started trading around 2003. More info here -

I just keep being more impressed with my 1500!
Funny, I`d class Stephanhouser more "Prestige" than Cannonball who I see as just another on the Taiwanese-hotrod bandwagon (the added snake oil doesn`t make them more Prestige than Mauriat, Viking, Sequioiuiouia or TJ )
I bought mine from DaveySaxyBoy who said it was superb! He wanted the money to put towards his "Newcastle" sax. It was only blown by him in his studio if I remember right. It is mint with a Hiscox case.
Ads is right, it was a Step I was negotiating for...a soprano. Offered the guy a deal but he refused. He also had a tenor but the condition was an ex-high school band sax....been used and bashed about.
The tenor would be very interesting - kinda like a MkVII (colossal sound) but without the issues - the only issue with a step tenor would be the weight , if its in proportion to the alto it`d weigh more than some baris - though I doubt highschools would be using them if they were that heavy

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