Mouthpieces Squeaking with my new otto link mouthpiece

Just purchased my first hard rubber otto link 5* after using a plastic YAM 4C. I've only been playing for 7 months but was fed up with the tinny sound of my plastic mouthpiece. My teacher suggested the Otto Link which sounds fantastic, but I keep squeaking, particularly on the basic C note. (Still learning the correct names for the notes!). The lower C and D sound really mellow, but I'm struggling with the higher notes. There's also a much more noticeable sound of saliva spoiling the sound. Is it just getting used to a new mouthpiece or could the mouthpiece be faulty? I'm using the same reed - Rico 1.5.

First stop should be an opinion from the teacher, he/she is there and can see/hear, maybe prepared to test...

I'm assuming the problem wasn't there before. Could be the mouthpiece or you. Could be lig. or lig position/tightness. Could also be the reed, might be time to try something a little harder, try a 2, if that helps... Otherwise a 2.5, but given you were using a 1.5 on a 4C, anything harder than that would probably be too much at the moment.

Watch for losing the lower notes with the harder reed, if it happens, you've gone too far.

Does tightening your lips from the sides help? Taking a little moe mouthpiece in, increasing bottom lip support may also help.

Let us know how you get on, I'm sure there'll be more suggestions from the others.
I'd be tempted to try a strength 2 reed, it could be with the fairly small opening the reed is too soft. I too have an Otto Link mouthpiece and love the sound of it on my Yani T901 sax. Interestingly I too noticed the sound of saliva when I first tried an Otto Link (7*) but was less noticeable when I used a 7 instead, but that's gone now maybe just got used to the different shape.
I'd go for a 2 strength reed as well. The other thing is to make sure the reed is positioned absolutely spot on. Slightest mis-alignement with the mouthpiece wil make it more likely to squeak.

Also, as a good discipline when learning any new instrument is to always look to your technique rather than thinking your gear is faulty. Get it checked out by your teacher (that's part of what teachers are for) but until an experienced player notices a fault, assume it's you!
Perhaps you should have tried Rico Royal reeds before buying a new mouthpiece. Some people think that these sound better than the plain Rico reeds. Having said that, I was once given a couple of boxes of Rico baritone sax reeds with 25 reeds in each box and I played them with complete satisfaction.

A friend of mine changed to an Otto Link 5 and he likes it a lot. Your symptoms will improve as you get used to yours. Have fun.

Awfully soft reeds for that piece, even for a beginner -- 3 to 3 1/2 is right for most players. I've never been fully convinced about super soft reed for beginners. If you have any kind of breath support it will just hold you back (mind you it's been 30 years since I was one and I don't teach so take that with a grain of salt).

Definitely try new reeds, of varying strengths. Any reed that is broken in on one mouthpiece isn't going to play properly on another. Get a couple of everything from 2 to 3 1/2 and see if one of them works. I know I wouldn't be able to play the top end well on a 1 1/2 and 5* either.
I just switched from Rico to Rico Royal (same Yamaha 5C) and it's a really BIG improvement towards making a S A X Y tone.
D'Addario orange, formerly Rico orange box are American or Regular cut.
D'Addario Royal formerly Rico Royal are French cut or French filed.
Big difference imo.
If your reeds are labelled Rico, they are getting a little old. imo
Old reeds are good. Old Rico reeds are especially good. As far as I know, the orange box reeds are still labeled “Rico”.

Also as far as I know, and not to be contradictory, but just sharing my experience - “French cut” or filed reeds play exactly the same as unfiled or “American cut” reeds, everything else being the same. Case in point, the D’Addario Select Jazz reeds - I detect no difference between the filed and unfiled versions of these reeds (assuming the same strength). Vandoren Java reeds have different profiles of the vamp for the filed and unfiled versions, so there is a difference there.

I once tried, for a couple months, to “file” my unfiled reeds (I used a reed knife), and again noticed no difference. They played the same after their circumcision, so I stopped bothering about it.
It makes one wonder why they bother then, if there's no difference. So many different cuts these days.

I've read that, back in the day a French facing curve was different to an American facing curve.
French facing was a gradual curve and an American facing was an angled straight.
Angled straight? I think that is unlikely maybe it could be the difference between radial and elliptical.

But maybe the difference I vaguely remember hearing is in the shape of the heart, so one (maybe French) is more of a V shape. So maybe one is better on a certain facing but I still don't think there can be a a straight facing curve.
As far as I can remember, I read that, early on, a French facing was a gradual curve and an American facing was an angled straight.
I can't remember where I read it but I think I put a link on here a long time ago.

Berg Larsen mouthpieces come in two facing lengths, although their reputation for inconsistent manufacturing means that those different lengths might be more about the marking than reality.

On the Berg Larsen website they are described as follows:

Length of Facing
The term 'SMS' or 'M' indicates the choice of facing. The SMS, or French facing is usually shorter with a steeper curve. The 'M' or American facing is slightly longer with a flatter type curve. These facing term is only to indicate the facing curve length and in no way affects the actual sound of the mouthpiece.​


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