Does swapping stainless springs to blue springs,make any difference to sax Bumnote.
the blue ones rust... but very slowly.
Theory is that blue ones are snappier/more responsive, and although I haven't swapped springs on one sax, the feel on the couple I've played with stainless springs does seem to be less lively/deader.
Kind of same feeling, not supported by any scientific evidence. I am curious to know about the different metal/treatment used.
I am not sure it is appropriate to mention springs with such a horrible weather.
He must have found out on some internet forum that English needles were much better than cheap French ones.If you read Boehm's book on fulte making, you'll see he advocates using english sewing needles, tempered to blue, as springs.
Difficult to explain: when I don't like some springs, they usually end up not being pointed.I don't understand why we have to have sharp points in springs. A nice rounded end is much friendlier.
Difficult to explain: when I don't like some springs, they usually end up not being pointed.