Wrinkled retainer
I'm being tempted by a Yanagisawa SN-981, but wondered if others here had "you really must try one of these before you choose" recommendations?
on some levels agree with you- but, if you are going to get one, get the Yani- its the best we've come across by miles...I'd recommend not buying one. I think they sound horrible. 😀
They do make some beautiful saxophonesIF one has the cash to spend the best thing out there has to be the Rampone & Cazzani curved sopranino
Well I never!The great Art Themen plays fine jazz sopranino ...
Crufts.The biggest isse for me is where would I use it
The main reason the majority of the players ever buys a sopranino is because they want to play a high sounding horn and they are used to a horn pitched in Eb and don’t want to play a horn pitched in Bb.
In all honesty, few people if any play a sopranino because of its sound identity.
there seems to be a problem with youtube (now) is this the video where he says that Ravel wrote something for a Soprano sax in F?
My Dear Professor, I am not sure whether you are making fun of me 🙂 but just in case that you aren’t and simply have never heard of the soprillo (I have posted a link to a nice youtube film before showing plenty of close ups) I will post some more images and youtube filmsMIlandro - what is a soprillo please?