Saxophones Some help for decision appreciated :-)


Senior Member

I am playing a Yanagisawa horn.
As a backup tenor, I have the chance to by a "Schagerl" European Customized sax.
Schagerl is a store located about 50km from a home, they are making very good trumpets and trombones (here in Austria 🙂)
The saxes, though there has been lots of input from players, are made, ok, guess where 🙂
They have al line called "Modell 66", and a "special line", where only the body and keys are made in Taiwan, the rest is done here in Austria. These instruments sell for about €800,- more.

I got a laquered one and a Vintage model. They both have high F# (though you get them without).

I recorded a short soundfile with the 2 and compared it to my Yani with a solid silver neck, straight to my Olympus recorder. Unfortunately, my room is not very good sounding, but at least it is dry (acoustically 🙂)
Friday I will have to return one of the Schagerls. Although there is a preference for one of them, I'd ask for your cemments on this.
Thank you very much.


Unlaquered, "Vintage":

Yani 992, Solid Silver Neck

MPC is a Ed Pillinger LA 7*, Rigotti 3med reeds.

You sound great on all of them. Of course the Yani sounds more "comfortable" under your fingers.
The vintage seems slightly warmer, but it could simply be a difference in the reed position or the microphone axis.
Please keep in mind that youtube sound quality is really poor, so it can be difficult to judge.

How do you feel tuning wise? Are the LH palm keys easy to control?
And what about E1 D1 C1?

Edit: I see they make a model "ohne hoch fis". For pointless arcane snob reasons, I would try that one too.
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it really sounds warmer.
Not to make someone angry or to start a discussion I don't want to start 🙂, the laquered one sounds more like a Mark VI, the Vintage more like a BA.. (slighty going into this direction...)
Yes, the Yani feels more comfortable to my small fingers.
Intonation is great on both, no probs at all, of course a bit different to my Yani.
No "Problem tones" at all.
Palm keys are easy to reach, but higher than on my Yani.
All in all, with caution, I would say that I get a bit of a "Keilwerth" feeling "fingerwise", I have to open my hands a bit more.
But I think I could get used to it, even with my non-Rachmaninoff-hands.

Not to make someone angry or to start a discussion I don't want to start 🙂, the laquered one sounds more like a Mark VI, the Vintage more like a BA.. (slighty going into this direction...)

You are among friends, here. You are even entitled to have an opinion about materials.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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