I am playing a Yanagisawa horn.
As a backup tenor, I have the chance to by a "Schagerl" European Customized sax.
Schagerl is a store located about 50km from a home, they are making very good trumpets and trombones (here in Austria 🙂)
The saxes, though there has been lots of input from players, are made, ok, guess where 🙂
They have al line called "Modell 66", and a "special line", where only the body and keys are made in Taiwan, the rest is done here in Austria. These instruments sell for about €800,- more.
I got a laquered one and a Vintage model. They both have high F# (though you get them without).
I recorded a short soundfile with the 2 and compared it to my Yani with a solid silver neck, straight to my Olympus recorder. Unfortunately, my room is not very good sounding, but at least it is dry (acoustically 🙂)
Friday I will have to return one of the Schagerls. Although there is a preference for one of them, I'd ask for your cemments on this.
Thank you very much.
Unlaquered, "Vintage":
Yani 992, Solid Silver Neck
MPC is a Ed Pillinger LA 7*, Rigotti 3med reeds.
I am playing a Yanagisawa horn.
As a backup tenor, I have the chance to by a "Schagerl" European Customized sax.
Schagerl is a store located about 50km from a home, they are making very good trumpets and trombones (here in Austria 🙂)
The saxes, though there has been lots of input from players, are made, ok, guess where 🙂
They have al line called "Modell 66", and a "special line", where only the body and keys are made in Taiwan, the rest is done here in Austria. These instruments sell for about €800,- more.
I got a laquered one and a Vintage model. They both have high F# (though you get them without).
I recorded a short soundfile with the 2 and compared it to my Yani with a solid silver neck, straight to my Olympus recorder. Unfortunately, my room is not very good sounding, but at least it is dry (acoustically 🙂)
Friday I will have to return one of the Schagerls. Although there is a preference for one of them, I'd ask for your cemments on this.
Thank you very much.
Unlaquered, "Vintage":
Yani 992, Solid Silver Neck
MPC is a Ed Pillinger LA 7*, Rigotti 3med reeds.