Saxophones Small hands which saxophone would suit best


Hello to you all, i will soon be ready to change my saxophone and have a problem reaching the low notes Bb/B,
as i have small hands. At the moment i have an conn-selmer prelude AS700 which has been excellent.
Are all the keys on saxophones spaced the same, or does anyone have any recommendations that may help in making a choice. The two saxophones i am looking at are the Buffet Crampon 400 alto or the Bauhaus Walstein alto.
I know from my limited experience that the really low notes are not used that often, but some of the scales lower down the range are a bit of a struggle.
Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated
Kind Regards
Hi Paul, I think you are looking at two good saxes. Modern horns do have very similar key positions, but you will always find slight differences between them. The best bet is always to get yourself along to a decent shop and have a play with as many horns within your budget (sometimes it's worth looking at some that are over your budget too, just in case you find the sax of your dreams)
It is always possible to have the keys altered to bring them within your reach but you'd have to ask one of the forum techs, namely Stephen Howard or Griff136, to be get a better answer on that one.
Hi Taz thanks for the reply. I will have to get to get to a decent music shop and have look. I live in rural France where they are few and far between. Believe it or not there are not that many stockists of either of the two saxophones i am looking at, even though one is French (albeit made in china). I can't find anyone who stocks the BW here at all .
thanks again

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