sight reading


Senior Member
In an effort to get this business off pat I had two two hour lessons last week, just on this. Must say a word for Berklee Music Technique of the Sax, Rhythm Studies bk 3. Cant find it online but have ordered Creative sax studies intermediate/advanced by Berklee from Amazon. Have worked the Rhythm studies book before but never so intensly. Typically you get half a dozen bars with maybe six or eight notes in the whole lot. Nothing is predictable, nothing resolves, if you dont count you are finished. Was a bit depressed at my many failures till I realised at the back end of the book you are in the depths of somewhere beyond grade 8 (IMO) so back to normal stuff on Saturday and big big big improvement. If you can find this book or something like, get stuck in. Had to have it in a lesson though, its not easy to see where you are going wrong or right. When my new book comes I'll let you know what its like.
best wishes
I can't imagine how a book can teach you how to sight read its always been one of my greatest failings along with tonal quality counting keeping in time and playing to backing tracks.....John

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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