Sheet Music Sheet music with chord like notations?

Sorry if this question is in the wrong category. I wasn't sure which one to pick. Ok, here is my question. I have a number of books for Bb instruments. Real books, play along etc. Some times I see notes written like chords, such as you would see for the piano. Most of the time they are just two notes together, every now and then three notes. Just what the heck am I supposed to do with these? Pick one I like and ignore the other? lol. Are there other Bb instruments that can play more than one note at a time? I need some enlightenment.
If you're more than one player you decide which tone you play. But you most transpose if the charts are written in concert key.
Sorry if this question is in the wrong category. I wasn't sure which one to pick. Ok, here is my question. I have a number of books for Bb instruments. Real books, play along etc. Some times I see notes written like chords, such as you would see for the piano. Most of the time they are just two notes together, every now and then three notes. Just what the heck am I supposed to do with these? Pick one I like and ignore the other? lol. Are there other Bb instruments that can play more than one note at a time? I need some enlightenment.
Usually the top note is the 'tune', though not always. The other one can be a suggestion for harmony, if you're playing with someone else.

How do they sound if you use the lower notes as 'grace' notes before the main, upper ones, or otherwise to 'embellish' the tune?
I played the song Mercy, Mercy, Mercy yesterday and the bridge for the Bb horns are witten like that. Instead of several papers you just print one. I have some charts that is called "One-pager". Rhytm, Eb- and Bb- horns on one page. Often Chuck Berry songs.

The samples below are other ways to use the chord tones. The charts are from a Rocksax workshop in A & E.

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