Saxophones Sequoia Saxophones - What does Prof James see in them?


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Café Supporter

I have read on several threads of Prof James' wish to purchase one of these, in silver, and wonder why he is suddenly so compelled?

Could he elucidate please? Anyone else care to share their first hand experience of this make?

Most kind.
Having just spent a good hour playing one of these sops, not silver, I am impressed. If I didn' t have the 62 I would seriously consider buying one. Felt good under my fingers and even with me blowing it sounded sweet. I used an Ed Pillinger piece and my usual Selmer.

Aldevis is a perfect gent and pretty good cook! I would recommend at least trying one if you are looking for a sax in that price range, if you have the opportunity.

Oh and @c9off does not look like his avatar and sounds good on the Sequoia tenor, not silver!

Can't see a demo link for the Viking?

In any case... how would they fair up against a Yamaha 875 when in the hands of the same player?

Are you getting carried away? How would you try before you buy?

Devil's advocate and all....
We have a return policy and we are based in the EU.
In prof's case we can arrange various options.

I can say the Maraday seems to have a similar attitude on instruments and is a great player.
I have the company owner and his workshop in Northern Italy checking every shipped instrument.
Can't see a demo link for the Viking?

In any case... how would they fair up against a Yamaha 875 when in the hands of the same player?

Are you getting carried away? How would you try before you buy?

Devil's advocate and all....
You are a tough character! But spot on! Sometimes you have to have faith and take a plunge! Viking Instruments are in New York - Richard Faraday is a great guy. Google them David!
In any case... how would they fair up against a Yamaha 875 when in the hands of the same player?

The Yamaha would be about £2000 more expensive, so in my personal hands, a Yamaha 875 tenor would have to compete with both a Sequoia Tenor and a Soprano 🙂

Perhaps he was getting mixed up with Michael Faraday.

@Viking Instruments what about a "Maraday cage"?
Firstly - Nomad......what do I see in them? A short bald man!!!! Hairy six footer unfortunately!!!
Faraday - should read Maraday - thanks Aldevis and Fraser

I have only owned an 875 Ex alto, so cannot comment on how it would compare to a Sequoia or Viking alto. It would be great if a UK retailer could become an outlet for Viking Instruments so I could try the thing out!

I am a few months away from my "silver" tenor goal at the moment but I have been conducting my due diligence and would appreciate any comments from people who have tried both makes.
would appreciate any comments from people who have tried both makes.

Jokes and self promotion apart, I had a few email exchanges with Mr. Viking
I don't see him as a competitor and probably he does no see me as such either.

The point is that both companies work on tiny margins, and finding a distributor or selling across the pond can be a problem.
Sequoia successfully managed to sell a soprano to the States, but we miserably failed when trying to send one on approval (to a well known soprano lover). Tax issues were simply too complicated.

Also returns are almost not feasible, again, for import taxes.
We sent the soprano with some extra necks. When the customer sent back the ones he did not take, they got stuck for a good while in the custom office, on the way back.

If a customer made his/her decision, there is no big problem, once taxes are worked out, but finding someone that had the opportunity of try both horns is very hard.
Aldevis I fully appreciate you comments. Two fabulous horns and really well priced against some stiff competition in the professional tenor sax range.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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