Mouthpieces Selmer B* moutpiece


Selmer B* mouthpiece

I previously enquired for info on Selmer mk7 alto, it turned out to a MK7 Tenor that was too good to resist., I got two mouthpieces with it, one is a Lawton 6bb, (lots of info on these) the second is a long shank Selmer Soloist B*. I wondered of anyone had any info on the latter, i.e. are they rare? .
The MK7 is a great sounding beast, looks good too.
Thanks to everyone that returned my earlier post re the alto.;}
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Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

Soloists are well though of, although not really my sort of thing (I'm more a fan of the Lawton type thing) but the key thing to bear in mind is that a B* will have a tiny, wafer thin tip opening.
Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

Here's a video of someone playing a MK 7, sounds great I think, definitely got that Selmer vibe! chatted with him a bit on facebook, he tells me he is using a Brilhart level-air mouthpiece and also a solid silver Brendan Tibbs both with Riko jazz select 4H reeds.

Sorry don't know anything about your soloist exept it's a very small tip opening and probably not worth much as a result.
Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

I have seen Simon Spillett playing a Mk7, and it sounded great. Nowadays I think he is using a Mk6, though.

I used a Soloist on alto as my first upgrade from the bog standard Yam 4c, and it worked fine until I discovered more about the sound I was really after. I found it made a nice, rounded kind of sound without too much edge.
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Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

Thanks for the reply, sax is away being adjusted, I have to wait for 3 weeks before i get to grips with it again🙁
Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

thanks for the reply, I had the Soloist checked over, and I now have to wait for the sax coming back from being adjusted, :thumb:
Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

Just tried the Soloist "F" (with Marca jazz 2 1/2 reed) which came with my Grassi tenor and WoW!!
Such an easy blow and sounds great. For me it's better than the Windcraft Etude which arrived recently.
I'm more easily able to bend notes with it.
Should that be the case for a beginner on Tenor? Is the Etude one to grow into?
I wonder what the difference in opening is between them?

Re: Selmer B* mouthpiece

Now is all that matters. If it sounds good and is easy to blow it's "the one" You can grow out of a mouthpiece but not into one, in my opinion.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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