One of the LPs was "Scott's Buddy" and the other was "Back to Back" (same title as the fabulous album by Ellington and Hodges).
Having checked on the internet, they don't seem to have made it onto CD but the details were:
Back to Back
Concord CJ-85 1978
Scott Hamilton, Buddy Tate, Nat Pierce (p), Monty Budwig (b), Chuck Riggs (dms)
Scott's Buddy
Concord CJ-148 1981
Scott Hamilton, Buddy Tate, Cal Collins (g), Nat Pierce (p), Bob Maize (b), Jake Hanna (dms)
I saw him and Buddy Tate playing in London a few times in the 80s but never together. Any of Scott's albums from around that time is likley to be good. I particularly like the ones with Dave McKenna on piano and there's a cracker with Gene Harris too.
PS When I tried out Morgan Fry's "Floridated Link" tenor mouthpiece, it seemed to be very much in a Scott Hamilton vein and it was great.