Say Something played using Soprano Sax

Yeah, It wasn't a good mix. Maybe some compression. Didn't have time to play around with the mixing. Also I think cutting more highs from the sax would have been good.
I used yamaha monitors to do the paramatic eq on the sax. But I couldn't find a balance between removing the highs and keeping the tone of the sax. At some places the sax seem to be a bit piercing. I would work a bit more on the next video (hopefully soon).
Btw thanks Jeanette,
thanks Kernewegor, yeah it must be the speakers, when I was wearing the headphones the sax highs were more dominant and was more piercing than listening on speakers. A lot of sound engineers advice to listen using a range of speakers to know how it would sound. I didn't do that. If I did, I think I could have made it a bit better. I need to experiment a bit more. 🙂 probably next one I would give a bit of effort.
I am not a fan of soprano and I LOVED that! I liked the mix and the highs were fine to me. Would make a great BOTM here. Regardless I want to give it a go on tenor now. 🙂

Looking forward to hearing it 🙂

Thanks Luc. Thanks Kev.
Thanks Alan. I started on the tenor when I was in school playing marches. I have never played a tenor now for like 3 to 4 years sadly 🙁. now playing the alto and soprano. To be honest, I wasn't happy with the mix to my ears. But thought to myself I wouldn't have time to get a better mix.
Now thinking of doing the monthly ballad on the alto for this month, willow weep for me. I love the Etta James Version. and Ella Fitzgerald. I hope I get time to record it.
I wasn't commenting on the mix. We're getting bogged down in it and it's getting in the way of how you played. It's a fine, sensitive performance, bringing the melody, not the performer to the front. You've used your talent to show us what the music means to you. Not to show off.

Mixes can be fixed. Lack of musical sensitivity can't.

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