New Member
- 4
So I encountered a bit of an issue in the past regarding the way playing the saxophone can effect the teeth. When I played more seriously last for a several month period, I would play an hour or two a day. Toward the end of that period my teeth began to hurt when I played. Sometimes it was the vibration involved in playing, and towards the end of that bit of time, pushing and releasing the keys for low C's, B's, and Bb's would shake my YAS-62 a slight bit that would really mess with me. The issue isn't in the realm of dental hygiene, though I have taken up anti-sensitivity toothpaste in an attempt to try to combat the problem this time around. Another solution that I tried back then was placing my upper lip a bit over my teeth to absorb some of the shock, but that felt a bit unnatural and like bad technique. If anyone has any experience with this issue, I'd love to hear about how you've solved it.