Saxophone lessons on YouTube.

Hi again,

I am having difficulties finding a saxophone teacher in my area that is able to give a lesson every week after I am done with work, so I was thinking of supplementing with a series of short video lessons that I can watch on my mobile in my rehearsal room, for the weeks where I can't get a lesson. Can anyone recommend a series of videos on a YouTube? I am not a complete novice, as I played as a child, but I need to get tips on using my diaphram, tonguing methods, etc. I mainly play alto, but also play som tenor and c-melody saxophone. Any recommendations?
Where are you based, globetrotterdk?

I am not a big fan of teleteaching: a lot of things go amiss.
Maybe some forum member can recommend you a local teacher.
Thanks. I contacted my current teacher about maybe coordinating with another teacher for the times that he is unable to teach. He wrote that he would get back to me on that idea. I am into all kinds of music and he seemed to be quite interested, spotted some of my weaknesses that my other teacher skipped over. He seems to be quite nice, skilled as a musician and a competent teacher (I could write more, but I have only had one lesson with him so far). I don't want to dump him, just find a competent supplement 🙂
A review of the fundamentals of playing the saxophone can be useful for players at any level. For those who have not watched the Eugene Rousseau Steps to Excellence series of short videos, I highly recommend making them part of your learning experience.
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Have a free trial with Nigel Mcgills Sax School on the net. It will inspire you. Amazing stuff, instruction videos, sheet music and backing tracks. I'm not even going to mention what It costs but i think it's a pittance for what you get.
Anyway the free trial is just that FREE.
I know a guy that lives in Farum. He can probably help you to find a teacher. I PM you his e-mail adress Andrew Clark use to do clinics/workshops in Farum. Next time Andrew Clark comes over, I'll you know. Andrew is a Rocker but he can teach jazz as well. Herer is an video clip from Stenlöse that shows what we/he use to do at an intermediate Rocksax workshop:
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All the New York Jazz Workshop Teachers offer lessons via Skype from New York City. Top!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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