Saxophones Sax evaluation (help please)

So... my dad has this saxomaphone and I'm just trying to figure out what it is and if we should lock it in a bank valve or just leave it as decoration. I've done some research on it but I'll leave out my noob speculations.

And I'm new... and i haven't posted in your doorbell sections as I'm not gonna be hanging around more than this thread. This be just an hit&run kind of session.

Right... saxomaphone. Pictures can be found here (sorry can't post links as I'm noob. Perhaps mod can fix it before approving this post?): Committee II/

My dad recevied this as a gift from an musician he knew back in the 60's. Was last serviced in the late 60's in "Hagströms" music shop in Ludvika, Swe. Doesn't play at the moment and I'm sure it needs a fair bit of work to get fully functional again. Pic 7 shows a bent... thingy? I'm sure it's a called someyhing else but I'll just call it a thingy. Probably just a case of straightening the thingy out again but i dare not touch it. If i fail on first attempt metal fatigue becomes and issue. Father refers to the instrument as his "Silver Martin" and i do believe it's silver plated (original plating). Plating is missing on one location (apperantly where you keep your thumb while playing ac. to dad) but other than that seems in decent shape (some small dents here and there... and blackened of course). Neck piece is same serial as body.

Think that's about it. A keeper? A piece of junk? "omg, omg i want it"?

Thanks for you time and hope you can help me 🙂.
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So... my dad has this saxomaphone and I'm just trying to figure out what it is and if we should lock it in a bank valve or just leave it as decoration. I've done some research on it but I'll leave out my noob speculations.

And I'm new... and i haven't posted in your doorbell sections as I'm not gonna be hanging around more than this thread. This be just an hit&run kind of session.

Right... saxomaphone. Pictures can be found here (sorry can't post links as I'm noob. Perhaps mod can fix it before approving this post?): Committee II/

My dad recevied this as a gift from an musician he knew back in the 60's. Was last serviced in the late 60's in "Hagströms" music shop in Ludvika, Swe. Doesn't play at the moment and I'm sure it needs a fair bit of work to get fully functional again. Pic 7 shows a bent... thingy? I'm sure it's a called someyhing else but I'll just call it a thingy. Probably just a case of straightening the thingy out again but i dare not touch it. If i fail on first attempt metal fatigue becomes and issue. Father refers to the instrument as his "Silver Martin" and i do believe it's silver plated (original plating). Plating is missing on one location (apperantly where you keep your thumb while playing ac. to dad) but other than that seems in decent shape (some small dents here and there... and blackened of course). Neck piece is same serial as body.

Think that's about it. A keeper? A piece of junk? "omg, omg i want it"?

Thanks for you time and hope you can help me 🙂.

Certainly not a piece of junk. If you're going to keep it, learn to play...

It's an alto, btw. Looks like a committee II to me, but I'm no expert. Yes it's silver plated.

Might need less work than you're thinking, but needs to go to a technician to be sure.

Serial number dates it to 1938.

These saxes are well liked and you should have no trouble selling it.
Well It's not a piece of junk, Martins are good saxophones imo, well built sturdy and warm sounding, and a committee II is made between 1939 and 1942 and regarded as a professional range saxophone (at that time). and this one looks to be silver plated (which doesnt really contribute much to its value though).

the shape doesnt look real bad to me, the bent thingy looks isnt that bent at all and I think a overhaul/restoration would cost about 450-550 euro's (in the Netherlands that is, I dont now the swedish prices of course)..

the resale value can be estimated roughly between 1000 and 1300 euro's I think, when repared that is. in this state I estimate it around 400 to 600 euro's...
I agree with Koen with the possible exception that the horn might cost more to repair and bring a bit more if sold because OP appears to be in Sweden.

Keep it and have it fixed, it will clean up very nicely
Indeed I live in Sweden. Looked it up and to get it fully serviced it looks like about 1000€ so... Don't think it's worth it (from a value view point. I still think it deserves a better "life").

Thanks for all the answers. Really appreciate it. I'll talk to my dad about it and see what we'll do with it.
well, you might find that selling “ as is” could give you some funds which you then could re-invest in a saxophone. these horns are good and good sellers.

Good Luck!
Indeed I live in Sweden. Looked it up and to get it fully serviced it looks like about 1000€ so... Don't think it's worth it (from a value view point. I still think it deserves a better "life").

Thanks for all the answers. Really appreciate it. I'll talk to my dad about it and see what we'll do with it.

Try sending a pm to user Thomsax, has based in SE and may know a more reasonable repairer. He's also a Martin fan...
I have several Martin saxophones and have bought them in various states of condition. I currently have a Handcraft that needs an overhaul and that will cost in the region of £350 - £400 here in the UK. A Committee II in good condition with new pads would sell for around £900 - £1300 in my opinion. They are great horns with a fabulous tone.
I agree on these horns being very good. Currently their value is a bit under pressure ( what isn’t !!) and it would be difficult in a private sale to sell one overhauled for more than 1300€, a shop could get more 1500€ perhaps.
Comm II are among the best saxes that ever been made. I have a laquer Comm II alto c -40 myself. I recommend to send your sax to a repairman that is used to work on Martins saxes. We have some good technicians in Sweden, but make sure that they use good pads and that they do a prober setup. Thin pads and low keyheights. If you send your sax to some workshops in USA you will have a killer sax back. There are some guys that are more or less experts on Martin saxes. But I think it will cost you around 10000-12000 s e k. What kind of mouthpiece do you have on your sax?

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