Roy Benson children's alto

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Sax-Mad fiend!
Café Supporter
Hi all,
I'm looking for a friend who wishes to purchase a 2nd hand Roy Benson AS201 children's Alto sax.
Maximum £200. 5% Donation to Pete's charity.
That is correct it looks like a tenor sax, but is an alto for smaller hands and shorter arms, for children. New price is around £400+.

I don't know whether this any help...

there appears to be a Vento brand version - I don't know whether these are available in the UK.

Greg S.
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Just a thought - Curved Soprano. Despite all the scare stories, kids play them well. The mouthpiece is smaller, they're no harder to blow than a clarinet (pressure) And the sax is good for small arms. Just need to make sure it's properly set up from the start. I've seen a few with setup problems that made them unplayable. For some reason they seem to be more prone and more sensitive to setup problems than the other saxes.
Hi Chris, interesting information, thanks. Am I right in thinking that this will not play the full range, because it has no low B or Bb key, nor no top D# E F F#?

But the friend is specifically looking for the Roy Benson.
I don't know whether this any help...

there appears to be a Vento brand version - I don't know whether these are available in the UK.

Greg S.

Thanks Greg, I am looking for UK suppliers, but useful to know that there appears to be a 2nd brand of children's alto.
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Mandy, I know you said looking for UK supplier but there are no addl import chgs on this one

actually might be wrong re import chgs but have a look any way 🙂

I play a Roy Benson curved sop which I bought new for £280 on eBay. Could be ideal for a child as well. They do come up for sale occasionally. I also have the AS202 alto (not child size) which is a good little horn. Great value for the money. There are several UK dealers
Sorry, folks.
All my Cafe Sax notifications go into my junk mail!

I'd informed my friend about the ebay one already, but she said £250 was too much. It has now been re-listed twice. I have been watching it. I will advise her to put in an offer of £180.

I also told her about the Johnny Roadhouse one, but she does not want to pay more than £200.

Thank you all for looking out for these.
I think it's probably best to close the thread.

These saxes seem to come up so rarely. I have a search set on ebay, so will pick up those automatically.

Thanks again.
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Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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