Reporting in with good news!


Hi all, long time no post, just couldn't keep it to myself and no one here to tell!.....

I've passed my Grade 6 TG Jazz Sax (on Tenor) :welldone (onwards to grade 8 now! >:) )

very happy Arty :w00t:
Thanks OG and Amanda, it was far far more difficult that doing a gig to 300 people!! I am chuffed to bits I cried and laughed at the same time !
Bloomin well done young lady........give me a gig for 300 people any day, exams are for the truly talented!
Don't worry Kev I won't ;}

Thanks Taz, I have never been so nervous since I took my bike test!! Yep gigging is doddle compared to exams ;}

PS I know it sounds like I'm boasting (I'm really not but I'm just so proud of myself!) but I have to add that I got a Distinction! :w00t:
PS I know it sounds like I'm boasting (I'm really not but I'm just so proud of myself!) but I have to add that I got a Distinction! :w00


Never mind thinking you are boasting !!!, if that was me i'd shouting it from the highest mountain :welldone a superb achievement 😀

How long has it taken you to achieve grade 6 ? and when do you think you will be ready for grade 8 ?
Iv'e just taken the jazz route and am seriously thinking of doing the exams to give me an idea of my improvement, and i believe (heard) the TG are the better structured exam.

Once again well done :welldone

Never mind thinking you are boasting !!!, if that was me i'd shouting it from the highest mountain :welldone a superb achievement 😀

How long has it taken you to achieve grade 6 ? and when do you think you will be ready for grade 8 ?
Iv'e just taken the jazz route and am seriously thinking of doing the exams to give me an idea of my improvement, and i believe (heard) the TG are the better structured exam.

Once again well done :welldone

Hi Trimmy, Thank you 🙂 I've been playing sax for 3.5 years but did play flute and piano for many years before that. I went straight in at Grade 6 to get an idea of my standard as I didn't really have any idea (I never believe people when they say they like my playing I assume their just being kind! 🙂)) )

Yes I agree it's a good way of gauging how you are doing. I did TG because ABRSM only go up to Jazz grade 5 and TG do a scale study as an option instead of scales (although I do have all my scales under my belt I like the scale study - a bit like an extra piece so I felt more prepared). Having not done any grades since flute 40 years ago (with ABRSM) it was nerve wracking but now feel confident enough to go for the biggy next - grade 8 (hopefully in the Spring) 😀
PS I know I'm boasting (I'm really, I'm just so proud of myself!) but I have to add that I got a Distinction! :w00t:

No one likes a show off you know!!

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Hey hey Arty [We haven't met before] ...

Sunray waves from Norfolk ... 🙂

Fantastic ... Brilliant ... View attachment 904
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It's really great to hear of other peoples joy and success ... :thankyou:


I'll look forward to your screams of pure happiness next spring when you make yet another distinction ... :mrcool
I won't try to and top the congratulations and praise above. Just want to congratulate you on a wonderful achievement of which you are obviously very proud. As someone who recently decided to stop taking further grades (in trumpet & trombone) I am aware of the dedication required to pass such exams. I now just content myself with playing some of the graded tunes in Creative Saxophone Improvising without the pressure involved, while dreaming of my new sax/bass/drums trio!

Kind regards
No one likes a show off you know!!


I know - couldn't help myself! ;}🙂))

Sunray waves from Norfolk ... 🙂

Fantastic ... Brilliant ... View attachment 904
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Click Me]

It's really great to hear of other peoples joy and success ... :thankyou:


I'll look forward to your screams of pure happiness next spring when you make yet another distinction ... :mrcool's hoping! 🙂

Congratulations! That's a great achievement. I'm aiming to take a Jazz exam at the end of the year, what grade yet not sure....this gives me inspiration!

Glad you're inspired....go for it!!!! .......I'm still on cloud 9 :w00t:

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