Reeds, reeds and more reeds!


Senile Member
Whilst searching for a missing 'favourite' tenor reed, I'm shocked by the quantity of reeds I have lurking! So I'm offering a small number of them on here - all unused to the best of my knowledge. The price quoted will be for a single reed, so feel free to make up a selection if you wish! P&P will be kept to a minimum to be agreed before sale. Paypal is fine.
50% of price will go to Pete's charity.

Here goes:
Rico Royal (light blue box, loose) 5 @ Strength 2 75p
Rico Royal (French file cut) 3 @ 2.5 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 8 @ 3 75p
Rico La Voz 8 @ med 75p
Rico (Orange box) 10 @ 3.5 50p

Plasticover 3 @ 2.5 £1
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 6 @ 2.5 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 3 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 4 75p
Vandoren Java 8 @ 3.5 75p
Alexander DC Superial 1 @ 2.5 £1.50
Alexander Classique 1 @ 2 £1.50
Alexander NY Superial 1 @ 2.5 £1.50

Plasticover 1 @ 2.5 £1.50
Alexander NY 1 @ 2.5 £2
Alexander classique 1 @ 2 £2
Alexander Superial 1 @ 2.5 £2
Alexander DC 1 @ 2.5 £2

Rico Royal (French file cut) 9 @ 2 £1.50
Hi Amanda,

Could I have:
Plasticover 1 @ 2.5 £1
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 1 @ 2.5 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 1 @ 3 75p
Alexander DC Superial 1 @ 2.5 £1.50
Total £4 plus post.

Just wanting to try out a few more reeds on Yamaha 4C and Runyon 22 #6.
Let me know if you think any of the reeds I've asked for are not a good idea (or any others that are?) for a beginner who's trying to get a more "jazzy" sound!?
Have Rico 2 & 3 for the Yamaha 4C and Java 2 for the Runyon at present.

PayPal fine.

Thanks, David
Changed my mind as the Vandorens appear to be more classical?

Plasticover 1 @ 2.5 £1
Alexander DC Superial 1 @ 2.5 £1.50
Alexander NY Superial 1 @ 2.5 £1.50
Total £4 plus post.

Final answer! Unless you advise differently of course.

Sold a few, so here's the updated availability:

Rico Royal (French file cut) 3 @ 2.5 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 8 @ 3 75p
Rico La Voz 7 @ med 75p
Rico (Orange box) 10 @ 3.5 50p

Plasticover 1 @ 2.5 £1
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 4 @ 2.5 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 3 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 4 75p
Vandoren Java 8 @ 3.5 75p
Alexander Classique 1 @ 2 £1.50

Plasticover 1 @ 2.5 £1.50
Alexander classique 1 @ 2 £2
Alexander Superial 1 @ 2.5 £2

Rico Royal (French file cut) 9 @ 2 £1.50
PM Sent with my post address on for you 🙂 It says you've reached your message limit so my pm won't go thru yet but my post address should be on my paypal details etc

Many thanks,
Sold a few more - updated availability:


Vandoren (Dark blue box) 8 @ 3 75p
Rico La Voz 7 @ med 75p
Rico (Orange box) 10 @ 3.5 50p

Plasticover 1 @ 2.5 £1
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 4 @ 2.5 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 3 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 4 75p
Vandoren Java 8 @ 3.5 75p

Feel free to make me an offer on these!

All tenor and baris have been rehomed. Donation winging its way to Pete for sales to date.:thanks:
Hi Amanda,

Please could I take these:

Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 3 75p
Vandoren (Dark blue box) 2 @ 4 75p
Plus 4 of the Vandoren Javas @ 3.5 75p

Will PM you.

Thanks, Steve

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