Reeds reeds project


Surrealist Contributor.
Mod Emeritus
I am sure we all have plenty of useless reeds in drawers and boxes, kept in the illusion that they might work, someday, with a different mouthpiece, in a different climate....
For health reasons, they cannot go on charity, or sold on ebay.

What can be done with them?

I was thinking of modeling (a Cutty Sark made entirely with soprano and clarinet reeds) but I am sure our contributors will have better suggestions.
Use them to practice Slap tongue techniques...
Slapping reeds can be fun, but it is also the best way to split your practice on the crappy ones.
In a similar thread in the Sax on the Web forum, another suggested use was as toe separators.

I'm the culprit of that fact I just copied and pasted that very first tip of mine from there...I can copy and paste more than 100 tips (don't go and feed that ugly forum).
I've stopped using it since Hakukani managed to become a "moderator"? (that ugly said (no more about it).
I can't post a link, but it's thread 1811340 on SOTW...

here's tip #103 (that was mine and last of the lot - to be honest many of the 101 are just for a lark...)

This is a really useful one...

Use them to keep certain ligatures on their mouthpieces (when these aren't being played of course!).
For example, I've bought a Brancher metal MP recentlly and the jewellery like ligature keeps falling when handling the mouthpiece.
This brings 2 problems:
1) that precious and delicate ligature can get lost.
2) The ligature gets out of shape as it get crushed by other things (e.g. a spare neck) inside the Sax case.
The ligature cannot be tightened enough (without any reed) just to keep it on the MP (doing so would deform it), so I use a broken reed to keep it safe and in good shape.
Recently, I've been using them as wedges to manually adjust misaligned keys - place it on the tone-hole where the pad is closer and press on the opposite side of the key cup...with a bit of practice you'll get properly aligned keys in seconds.
It's better to use the flat part of the reed against the tone-hole and the curved side against the pad...being wood it won't deform the tone-hole (but don't overdue).

btw: you won't find this top tip in that other thread...
Thank you everybody, but where is the childish, pythonesque, pointless attitude gone? This is not sotw!
Tombstones for cockroaches and spiders

Road signs for ants

Diving boards for worms

Bogey flickers for schoolboys

Id cards for the C&SLM

Roof tiles for a hamster house

Ear tags for goths (painted black of course)

Wings for toy aeroplanes

Nail extensions for guitarists
Fence for a hamster house

Ice cream spoons (only your own of course)

Butter spreader

Template for a landing strip for an ant plane

Bailey Bridge for woodlice

Measuring sticks for fishmoths

Water skis for mice

skate board for voles

snowboard for hedghog

splint for asparagus (you own of course)

Shield for a stick insect

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