David Dorning
- 814
Having recently tried recording myself I have been through what I imagine is the usual process of realising just how rough my sound is. Then I discovered the reverb function and found how much it can be improved. Which brings me round to wondering just how close to reality is the microphone recording. Do I sound so much worse than the sound inside my head? Is reverb just a way to airbrush out the blemishes, or is it a valid way of getting recorded sound close to reality? I have an inexpensive microphone from Gear4Music with Cakewalk software, which offers several reverb functions from the modest “small room” (nevertheless an improvement to the recorded sound) to “Cathedral” (completely OTT). My gut feeling is that post-processing feels like a slippery slope to pretending I’m better than I really am. Views on the pros and cons of reverb anyone? Ps does anyone have the recurring experience of Cakewalk software grinding to a halt mid-take?