Real standards book and ireal player app??

Hi everyone, hope this will make sense, I have the real standards books and have the real iplayer app...question is..when I choose a song from the book and then the backing track from the app, do the chord notes that appear on the app, have to be the same as in the book, I have been told yes, but they are different, they are for alto sax, do l need change settings on the app.Hope you understand what I on about!!! Bumnote.
You need to set the iReal player pro app to Eb in the transposition in the settings then the backing track will be in concert but the chords will be for Eb.

When you are on the the song you want press on the screen for the settings then press the key symbol which is the one on the right then top left is the transposition.
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You need to set the iReal player pro app to Eb in the transposition in the settings then the backing track will be in concert but the chords will be for Eb.

When you are on the the song you want press on the screen for the settings then press the key symbol which is the one on the right then top left is the transposition.

I think it's a good idea also to transpose the C concert chords at sight for whatever instrument you are playing. Most of the time playing with a rhythm section, you will only get the concert chords, if it's a new number. Normally the sax player grabs a Bb instrument. So it's only up a tone. 🙂
PS In fact it's a good idea to also practice transposition with the melody also.
I think it's a good idea also to transpose the C concert chords at sight for whatever instrument you are playing. Most of the time playing with a rhythm section, you will only get the concert chords, if it's a new number. Normally the sax player grabs a Bb instrument. So it's only up a tone. 🙂
PS In fact it's a good idea to also practice transposition with the melody also.

I agree 100%,i was just helping the OP with my answer.
@ jazzdoh. Yes I could see what you were explaining:thumb: I just thought to add the other point. As a side note I can sight read chords a minor third down easily, but not from sax but, playing chord symbols with guitar. My voice was always at least a min 3rd below any written tune. Not saying I am a singer, in fact the only singer in our house is a sewing machine:rofl: But I like to try.
@ jazzdoh. Yes I could see what you were explaining:thumb: I just thought to add the other point. As a side note I can sight read chords a minor third down easily, but not from sax but, playing chord symbols with guitar. My voice was always at least a min 3rd below any written tune. Not saying I am a singer, in fact the only singer in our house is a sewing machine:rofl: But I like to try.

Don't mention singing,my family have enough to put up with me making a racket with the horns,without punishing them with me trying to sing.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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