Mouthpieces Rafael Navarro Bop Boy Metal Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece

go down and have a blow on one, plenty of positive reports about them on SOTW, but Dawkes have probably got the first batch to arrive in this country, so not many folks this side of the pond will have tried one.

I see they've also got Ted Klum, Morgan Fry, Aizen, Drake and other nice mouthpieces in stock at Dawkes, so watch out for GAS
go down and have a blow on one, plenty of positive reports about them on SOTW, but Dawkes have probably got the first batch to arrive in this country, so not many folks this side of the pond will have tried one.

I see they've also got Ted Klum, Morgan Fry, Aizen, Drake and other nice mouthpieces in stock at Dawkes, so watch out for GAS
No no no! That would be fatal.
No no no! That would be fatal.
Coward, where's your sense of adventure?

My dad just reminded me of a story about his uncle Tom who'd been accosted by the Salvation Army as he staggered out of the pub - "Why didn't you tell Satan to get behind you?" they asked, "I did, but he pushed me in" came the reply...
(this was a man who turned up at the Royal Fusiliers barracks 5 hours late, having visited every pub en route from the station when he got called up in the first world war.... but I digress...)
Coward, where's your sense of adventure?

My dad just reminded me of a story about his uncle Tom who'd been accosted by the Salvation Army as he staggered out of the pub - "Why didn't you tell Satan to get behind you?" they asked, "I did, but he pushed me in" came the reply...
(this was a man who turned up at the Royal Fusiliers barracks 5 hours late, having visited every pub en route from the station when he got called up in the first world war.... but I digress...)
Superb! I have three mouthpieces that I haven't even tried yet! £450 worth! Now isn't that decadent! Got them for my birthday last month. I am relying on you Altissimo to test them out for me....please..
I should do a sax mouthpiece review buzzword generator that will create instant reviews using phrases such as 'free blowing' 'lush low end' 'warm and full' 'effortless altissimo' 'scooped side rails' 'great projection' etc -
in a similar vein to this -
or I could charge £25 an hour plus reeds to review your mouthpieces for you to save you the effort of actually playing them
Yes, I like that. I tend to test them out by trying them on my own sax doing about five different tunes, riffs. I still don't know why I choose the ones I do! My tutor suggests some to me but still cannot believe that I buy them, he knows it is a fad and that ultimately I shall stick with one. At the moment I am stuck on alto between my silver Selmer C** and my Rousseau. On sop I still use a Yam and on tenor I have the PPT. That selection is good enough - if not too good - for me.
I just got a black ebonite Maestra tenor piece from Dawkes. It's damn fine I can tell you. And quite unlike any piece I have played before, and BELIEVE me I've played a lot. They are worthy of whatever hype is out there.

In the last 2 years I have played Ted Klum Precision, Handcrafted, Acoustimer & Tonamax, Phil-Tone Sapphire, Tribute and Mosaic, 10MFan Robusto, Wanne Gaias and others. This Navarro has something else. So far, I would recommend it well above anything else.
Actually, I'm going to qualify my last post a little (damn, a little over-enthusiasm).
The Navarro is very very good indeed. It's not necessarily, objectively, better than those other pieces, and I am in a bit of a honeymoon with it, but it really is damn fine.
I'm sending the Maestra back! It is a really lovely piece, but it just kept squeaking and chirping, which I almost never have a problem with. Pity, it was a great romance while she was here 🙁 .....I'm a little heartbroken!
I'm sending the Maestra back! It is a really lovely piece, but it just kept squeaking and chirping, which I almost never have a problem with. Pity, it was a great romance while she was here 🙁 .....I'm a little heartbroken!

Perhaps the mouthpiece is saying. With me you need to relax the embouchure a bit more or try a different reed cut.🙂
Perhaps the mouthpiece is saying. With me you need to relax the embouchure a bit more or try a different reed cut.🙂

Hmmm....I'm pretty chilled on tenor as it is, but thanks 😎. She sqeaked on RSJs and Rigottis too, and I am really not a squeaky player having played pretty much everything over the last 40 years or so. Sometimes a piece is slightly out of balance in the rails, or it has shifted in transit (extreme temperatures can do this to ebonite), and I'm hoping that's the case. Freddie Gregory told me squeaks come about when the tip of the reed closes to the tip of the mouthpiece before the rest of the reed closes to the rails, which might indicate a facing that wasn't optimum - for me.

longer facings can sometimes squeak more - took me 3 months to get used to my Lawton and find the right reed for it

Not a very long facing on the Navarro I think, pretty much the same as my Ted Klums judging by tip and reed strength.

Oh no, cheer yourself find another one to try 🙂

Thank you Jeanette, I like your sentiment 😀. I shall get myself down to Dawkes at some point and try some more Navarros because it seemed to me that the Maestra had everything going on, precision, intonation & tone all in one piece and I am enough of an optimist to think that another one may be rock solid for me!
Thank you Jeanette, I like your sentiment 😀. I shall get myself down to Dawkes at some point and try some more Navarros because it seemed to me that the Maestra had everything going on, precision, intonation & tone all in one piece and I am enough of an optimist to think that another one may be rock solid for me!

Great idea and you can report back and set all the tenor players off on a mouthpiece frenzy

Hmmm....I'm pretty chilled on tenor as it is, but thanks 😎. She sqeaked on RSJs and Rigottis too, and I am really not a squeaky player having played pretty much everything over the last 40 years or so. Sometimes a piece is slightly out of balance in the rails, or it has shifted in transit (extreme temperatures can do this to ebonite), and I'm hoping that's the case. Freddie Gregory told me squeaks come about when the tip of the reed closes to the tip of the mouthpiece before the rest of the reed closes to the rails, which might indicate a facing that wasn't optimum - for me.


Sounds like it's distorted, unforgivable for such an expensive mouthpiece

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