Purple Logo YTS61 ?

I don`t remember seeing a 61 (or 21) which wasn`t a Purple logo , I think they ALL are . that looks like a stunning example too . I bet it ain`t cheap !
I suppose I better come clean. This horn is for sale. But I am happy with my 1948 10m. So not in the market. But I was hoping the thread would entice the saxman . Ian into participating into talking about his favourite purple logo Tenor. We have enough talking heads on the forum, and it would be a poorer place if we lose one who is not just a talking head.
I suppose I better come clean. This horn is for sale. But I am happy with my 1948 10m. So not in the market. But I was hoping the thread would entice the saxman . Ian into participating into talking about his favourite purple logo Tenor. We have enough talking heads on the forum, and it would be a poorer place if we lose one who is not just a talking head.

Sneaky and cunning...I like it...:rofl:

Greg S.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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