Mouthpieces PPT Solid Silver

Pete Thomas

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I've just spoken to Morgan and ordered the very first solid silver PPT mouthpiece which I'm very excited about (maybe commission Katia to engrave it?)

This will be my own mouthpiece probably as I can't see many people buying one at the price it would have to be, however they will be available on special order.

Gold ones next.
Blimey a PPTAg9*, so what kind of ligature will be the perfect match for that? it would have to be something pretty special.

Being totally naive, but is are any benefits to it being solid silver? I'm guessing it will be the most desirable metal if you suffer from allergic reactions to metals.

Enjoy, hope we get to see a few pics and some sound comparisons so that we can hear the improved tone over the other ones!
It`s there to tempt people with Lovely Silver plated Horns .... Thankfully way out of my price bracket to be tempting . I think a 6* or 7 would be closer for me anyway - 9* you`d need a gob like a beartrap for that !
It`s there to tempt people with Lovely Silver plated Horns .... Thankfully way out of my price bracket to be tempting . I think a 6* or 7 would be closer for me anyway - 9* you`d need a gob like a beartrap for that !

I'm not prepared to say how big my gob is, but Mr. Thomas likes them on the larger size so a 9* for him would be normal.

I see in your signature Ads, that you are a proud owner of an YTS62AG, I'm sure for completeness a PPTAg7* would be a sensible option. And how about small, but very elegantly engraved PPT along the top filled with just the right shade of purple, to give it that little bit extra personality?

Humm, and there I was thinking I'll get a slimline and now the Solid Silver one pops up, what is one supposed to do?
Well Chris - I`m sure a PPTAg7 would be just fantastic and if mr PT himself was inclined to send one in this direction, compliement of the season , I`m sure it`d make the 62 perfectly complete . No Pruple logos though for me PPT or otherwise , the Tenor is Pruple-Free and will remain so 😀

As for your issue, only you know the answer to the Dilemma - Mine would be to raid Granny`s silverware and ask for a Price to just "Manufacture" one :thumb:
Well Chris - I`m sure a PPTAg7 would be just fantastic and if mr PT himself was inclined to send one in this direction, compliement of the season , I`m sure it`d make the 62 perfectly complete . No Pruple logos though for me PPT or otherwise , the Tenor is Pruple-Free and will remain so 😀

I thought I might slip that one in under the radar, but alas no, you saw me coming!

As for your issue, only you know the answer to the Dilemma - Mine would be to raid Granny`s silverware and ask for a Price to just "Manufacture" one :thumb:

Yeah, I've been thinking really hard about it and, well... you hear about people becoming a little OCD about their silverware and needing to polish it all the time, so I think I'll stick to my original thought about getting the Slimline... less maintenance... and I could never afford the silver one.
I can`t even afford the slimline at the moment, in fact I`m waiting for one of next doors guinea pigs to pop its clogs so we can have Christmas dinner ! (See Edible Pets Thread in the Breakfast room for the link there)
Here it is!


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