Mouthpieces PPT slimline ebonite tenor


Senior Member
Anyone else tried one of these? As far as I am concerned, Pete has nailed it with this lovely bit of kit. Beautiful to look at, involving, flexible and intriguing to play. It's in a different league to my previous pieces, although to be fair I have never spent 195 quid on a mouthpiece before, but with only a few hours on it so far I can see us being in a long-term relationship.......

Hats off to you Mr Thomas.
That was odd, I went to have a look at the mouthpiece in the store and ended up buying 5 Christmas cards, got back here and saw your post again and remembered why I'd gone to the store in the first place.

Sounds like you are going to enjoy your new mouthpiece, did you by and chance try one of the Onyxite PPTs? I'm curious about the differences. If I can scrape the cash together after Christmas I might be tempted, I had the Oxyxite 7* but regrettably sold it. What tip opening did you go for Dooce?
Anyone else tried one of these? As far as I am concerned, Pete has nailed it with this lovely bit of kit. Beautiful to look at, involving, flexible and intriguing to play. It's in a different league to my previous pieces, although to be fair I have never spent 195 quid on a mouthpiece before, but with only a few hours on it so far I can see us being in a long-term relationship.......

Hats off to you Mr Thomas.
I'm using the metal version at the moment, really flexible and easy to play. BTW Davey has one on ebay at the moment, I think i'ts also listed on this site as well for anyone interested in one.
That was odd, I went to have a look at the mouthpiece in the store and ended up buying 5 Christmas cards, got back here and saw your post again and remembered why I'd gone to the store in the first place.

Sounds like you are going to enjoy your new mouthpiece, did you by and chance try one of the Onyxite PPTs? I'm curious about the differences. If I can scrape the cash together after Christmas I might be tempted, I had the Oxyxite 7* but regrettably sold it. What tip opening did you go for Dooce?

I briefly had the original onyxite tenor when it was doing the rounds a few years ago and although I liked the sound, I found it hard to manage, far more prone to squeaking than the Lawton that was my favourite then and very difficult to produce altissimo. I don't know how the new ebonite relates to the onyxite but I (hope) I have improved in the intervening years and although it's not the easiest blow in the world, at least in comparison to the JJHR and Phil Barone Vintage that I have in my collection, with a bit of work, it is producing a very satisfying noise. Which is kind of what Pete wrote about it on SOTW, not a beginners piece but one that will help you sound like you want to sound. I went for the 8*.

I also have an onyxite PPT soprano 7 which is so good that I have never even looked at another sop mouthpiece since I bought it. Better stop now or you'll think I'm a sponsored player (if you could only understand what an absurd notion that is......🙂)
You's guys are blind !!!!!!!!!!! you know them soundclips I put up with me on my hard rubber PPT 😉 Its been my main piece since I got it. It blows nigh on the same as the metal PPT in feel and sound. Both great but I just feel a fraction more comfy on the hr PPT. I also find it a tad quicker on articulation . There both the same size but the hr is crazy light in weight.
I started to learn on a berg ebonite 100-1 sms, although it is ok, all my stuff sounds dark and smokey, which yes I like, but can't get the projection like yours, and I do get face ache after a while, I think I may buy one of these, if anyone thinks it may help me progress.
I started to learn on a berg ebonite 100-1 sms, although it is ok, all my stuff sounds dark and smokey, which yes I like, but can't get the projection like yours, and I do get face ache after a while, I think I may buy one of these, if anyone thinks it may help me progress.

The PPT is a complete different beast. Amazing free blowing from just a whisper to total power house beast. Go get 1 and your sorted. My HR PPT is the best mp I've had.
Not blind at all buddy, your sound clip was a big factor in deciding to buy.

Interestingly, I suppose, Davey's clips were a big factor in me deciding not to buy it. Not that there's anything wrong with the clips, just that it's not remotely close to the sound I imagine for myself. Not my thing at all.
Thanks for that, at least it shall stop people referring to me as lockjaw!!🙁
I'd be happy to sound like Eddie Lockjaw Davis but I don't play tenor so can't comment on the tenor PPT. I do have one for my soprano and it is everything the guys say about the tenor one. If you're in the market for a new piece then my recommendation would be to try one. Good luck 🙂
Interestingly, I suppose, Davey's clips were a big factor in me deciding not to buy it. Not that there's anything wrong with the clips, just that it's not remotely close to the sound I imagine for myself. Not my thing at all.

I didn't buy it to be Davey sound-a-like.

There's another clip of Andy Farber playing one, very different style, on SOTW and my thinking, such as it was, went along the lines of "if both those guys can sound that good on it, maybe it will work for me".

I think there might also have been a bit of "just think what that baby will look like on my black lacquered sax" as well, but I usually manage to suppress such frivolous considerations......
To sound like some one else you may need a very different set up to what they use. A good mouthpiece lets you be you. So if Davey sounds really Davey, Colin should sound really Colin, on the same set up. If it will blow that is.

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