Mouthpieces PPT Metal 8* Review.

I recently acquired a metal PPT 8* mouthpiece from Pete, not for any other reason than I wanted to try something new and different to my Sakshama made Guardala MB2, the main requirements I were looking for were serious amounts of volume and projection and brightness to the tone (so I can be heard over that bloody trumpet!) Pete told me from the off that it wouldn't be as bright as the Guardala, which worried me ever so slightly but I needn't have!
Anyway my first impression's when I got it were how well it played in tune right across the range, something that was sometimes a bit of a problem with the Guardala, and no squeaks on middle E! hurray what a luxury!, the internals seem to be somewhat of a cross between a Lawton bullet chamber but with ultra thin Guardala type rails.

I always used Fibracell 3.0 and 3.5 reeds with the Guardala which always worked well for me apart from delaminating after a very short space of time (sometimes only a couple of weeks) this prompted me to switch to Alexander NY cane reeds in a 3, these were very good with a nice thick sound, with the PPT however the Fibracell's sound terrible just sterile and very very buzzy, the Alexanders were very quiet and very stuffy so I decided to try a Bari soft, something Drew Stansall told me about, anyway I must have gotten a dud as it was like having a builders plank strapped to the mouthpiece! so back to the drawing board, now I remember a couple of years ago trying two Legere signature reeds a 2 1/4 and a 3 both were very dark sounding without much in the way of projection and both squeaked all over the place so I didn't fancy those...however I've never tried their Studio cut so thought i'd give them a try, ordered a 2 1/4 strapped it on and wow! everything I could ever want, bright, loud..VERY LOUD! a kind of fullness to the tone, decent sub tone but above all else in tune and absolutely no squeaks! Altisimo needs work as I can easily get between D4 and Bb5 but anything below the D is very hit and miss so just needs working on I guess (cant get G3 to save me life!) I don't really use much altisimo during performance but like to pop the odd one in now and then.

[EDIT by Pete - incorrect information re: plating removed - quoted and addressed in my reply below]
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PPT tenor heaven for me. Never even looked at others since I went back to my PPT. The HR PPT is still my main piece and it will be a long long time. Good to hear you dig it . Nice review. I had the Power Baritone PPT and that rocked but I sold the horn. Still yet to try the soprano PPT.
Well getting a new horn you always wonder how your mps will match it but all is sweet here. My HR PPT and metal PPT mps both suit the sax fantastic, perfect marriage indeed so i'm very chuffed.
Well getting a new horn you always wonder how your mps will match it but all is sweet here. My HR PPT and metal PPT mps both suit the sax fantastic, perfect marriage indeed so i'm very chuffed.

Always nice to see Northern people being happy and not just destructively envious..............:shocked::w00t:;}

Give them more money, I say!
The only criticism I have of the piece is, like the Sakshama, the plating is not very good, its not the hard plating like you get on a Lawton or Link its that chemically applied stuff that comes off when you wash it as I found out yesterday,

No, the plating is not cheap chemically applied stuff, it is electro plated. This should not happen, if it does then you have a legitimate claim under the guarantee as something obviously went wrong at the platers.

One thing with these, you will find that because the finish is a brushed gold it may need cleaning more often than smooth gold as tiny bits of dirt or greases collect on the surface. I rinse in warm water with a touch of detergent and wipe with a soft cloth - neither the gold plating (nor the silver underneath) should come off a mouthpiece this new.

Apart from that slight inaccuracy, many thanks for the nice and informative review
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Fraser, I'm pleased to hear the piece suits you so well. A note about the plating -- these were all electroplated, but a few of the early ones were done by a different plater to the one I use now. Acid based and electroless gold do not adhere as well as the cyanide gold, or maybe it's just too thin.

Regardless of the precise reason why, the plating should not be wearing off that easily. I stand by my work, send it to me and I'll get the plating sorted out at no cost to you.
No, the plating is not cheap chemically applied stuff, it is electro plated. This should not happen, if it does then you have a legitimate claim under the guarantee as something obviously went wrong at the platers.

One thing with these, you will find that because the finish is a brushed gold it may need cleaning more often than smooth gold as tiny bits of dirt or greases collect on the surface. I rinse in warm water with a touch of detergent and wipe with a soft cloth - neither the gold plating (nor the silver underneath) should come off a mouthpiece this new.

Apart from that slight inaccuracy, many thanks for the nice and informative review

Fraser, I'm pleased to hear the piece suits you so well. A note about the plating -- these were all electroplated, but a few of the early ones were done by a different plater to the one I use now. Acid based and electroless gold do not adhere as well as the cyanide gold, or maybe it's just too thin.

Regardless of the precise reason why, the plating should not be wearing off that easily. I stand by my work, send it to me and I'll get the plating sorted out at no cost to you.
Thanks guys, but I really couldn't care less if all the plating comes off, the piece plays really well for me, that's all that matters, sorry if I caused a mini storm in a tea cup with my comment about the plating but its just that when I cleaned it part of it took on a brighter appearance, hence my now removed comment.
Thanks guys, but I really couldn't care less if all the plating comes off, the piece plays really well for me, that's all that matters, sorry if I caused a mini storm in a tea cup with my comment about the plating but its just that when I cleaned it part of it took on a brighter appearance, hence my now removed comment.

You causing trouble again >:)🙂))🙂))🙂))
I've started to play my PPT blue again and have changed to a Legere Signature reed and i like the combination, so my Sakshama has been put away so that i can give some time to the PPT,i have even treated it to a new Vandoren Masters lig which fits perfect.
For anyone wanting a bit of fun take a look at "Saxophone mouthpiece" page on facebook Mr Saxophone world headquarters had posted a picture of a new one he has produced, so I posted one of my PPT as it looked quite similar, don't think he liked it! his has fluting to which I replied that were the fluting parallel with the table it would give the option to use a Lawton ligature, think by new he's getting ever more upset and told me they only recommend the use of the ligature that comes with the which I replied why? imforming him that I use a Francois Louis on mine....(and this should really set him off!) but prefer a Lawton lig on my Sakshama mb11, Ha!

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