
So U.S. Customs in Los Angeles finally (after holding my mpc hostage for 10 days) determined that Pete had not sent me an illegal substance or the Hope diamond. I received the PPT yesterday but just had the chance to play it today. When I play the alto using the Brilhart Special or Yamaha 6C I usually use a Rico Royal 2 1/2; with the metal Woodwind 4C I use a #3. When I tried those reeds on the PPT it was really a hard blow, so I went down to a 2, then 1 1/2, then Rico Royal #1. The 1 1/2 is fairly comfortable, but the #1 fits like a glove, and is LOUD! But it also whispers, and goes from mid-C to low C with no change in embouchure. None of the other mpcs have such a clear volume; it feels like I'm playing the tenor, and is not restricted. It sounds like an alto should sound, and note-bending is natural and easy.

My question is: is this reed-change due to the PPT baffle?
None of the other mpcs have such a clear volume; it feels like I'm playing the tenor, and is not restricted. It sounds like an alto should sound, and note-bending is natural and easy.

My question is: is this reed-change due to the PPT baffle?
Glad to hear you're enjoying the new sound.... it matches my experience with mouthpieces made by Ed PIllinger. I've bought some examples of Ed's work including a tenor PPT and they all produce a more complex and distinctive sound than other makes I've tried. They also seem more governable in intonation, volume, low notes etc.

I know this is all utterly subjective and that one players Pillinger is another players Ponzol but I reckon I can be confident that when I choose a Pillinger mouthpiece it won't disappoint... so welcome to the club

As for different lay... I won't answer that one because whenever we get onto technical spec I make an *rse of it
First, thanks Ivan and Trimmy for the comeback. Still...does the PPT baffle cause the change in reed strength? With the PPT alto less is more, for me I mean. (I now have a PPT tenor on the way. That reed selection should be interesting)
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First, thanks Ivan and Trimmy for the comeback. Still...does the PPT baffle cause the change in reed strength? With the PPT alto less is more, for me I mean. (I now have a PPT tenor on the way. That reed selection should be interesting)
Think @Pete Thomas would be best to answer your query, i haven't a clue :confused2:
Just to add that I'm still using the same reed on my PPT as i was on the Ponzol

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