So U.S. Customs in Los Angeles finally (after holding my mpc hostage for 10 days) determined that Pete had not sent me an illegal substance or the Hope diamond. I received the PPT yesterday but just had the chance to play it today. When I play the alto using the Brilhart Special or Yamaha 6C I usually use a Rico Royal 2 1/2; with the metal Woodwind 4C I use a #3. When I tried those reeds on the PPT it was really a hard blow, so I went down to a 2, then 1 1/2, then Rico Royal #1. The 1 1/2 is fairly comfortable, but the #1 fits like a glove, and is LOUD! But it also whispers, and goes from mid-C to low C with no change in embouchure. None of the other mpcs have such a clear volume; it feels like I'm playing the tenor, and is not restricted. It sounds like an alto should sound, and note-bending is natural and easy.
My question is: is this reed-change due to the PPT baffle?
My question is: is this reed-change due to the PPT baffle?