Possible trade. Barone tenor for Bari?


Senior Member
Hope everybody is good; Anyhow, I just want to put this out there, see what comes of it? First and foremost, I consider Bari my primary horn. Not had much luck since my Zephyr was wrecked. Right now I have a Vintage Barone tenor, in copper finish. It is in excellent playing condition; no dings, scrapes etc. The thing is, this tenor is all I have. Hence this post. Would anybody care to trade? My Barone Vintage tenor in a straight trade for a bari ? Right now, I want to keep this simple. I am not gonna be over specific as to what bari I would like, other than to say I prefer older horns. I would consider a bari needing attention, dependant on the horn. Other than that , please think it over. All offers will be considered. I am keeping this to the UK. and will make a £50 donation to the forum charity. ( 5% of Barone sale value ). Please PM me. Many thanks. Adrian
I really am in two minds over this. The Barone Vintage is a tremendous tenor. A big part of me is saying " keep hold ". Thing is, I am a bari player foremost. If I had the £££, I would buy one today. To trade the Barone really is my only option right now. A few members seem to be looking for a decent tenor. If you have a Bari, maybe not in the best condition even, I would be glad to check it out. Have a great Weekend...think it over. Donation stands etc. Many thanks. Adrian:confused:
Hi. My sincere apologies to anybody interested. Sometimes common sense makes sense. I am going to keep the Barone tenor; buy a bari as and when i can afford. have a great day. Adrian

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