Out of Time
formerly "sport"
I live in a trailer park. When I practice or play I play softly (piano). I have my neigbours blessings for the most part. When we moved in I had my wife stand outside while I played alto, tenor, bari, and soprano. The only one that really stood out and was possibly annoying was the curved soprano. Tenor a close second and alto a bari OK.
I love the sound of my walstein soprano but shy away in fear of disturbing the neigbours. I use a V16 mouthpiece and a 1 3/4 leger reed but find by the time I get past the resistance (air flow to sound) of the horn, enough to make a sound I am louder than the other saxophones.
Is this the nature of the walstein curved soprano or can I soften the sound with another mouthpiece? Or is it the nature of the pitch of the instrument. Suggestions?
I love the sound of my walstein soprano but shy away in fear of disturbing the neigbours. I use a V16 mouthpiece and a 1 3/4 leger reed but find by the time I get past the resistance (air flow to sound) of the horn, enough to make a sound I am louder than the other saxophones.
Is this the nature of the walstein curved soprano or can I soften the sound with another mouthpiece? Or is it the nature of the pitch of the instrument. Suggestions?