Playing in a duo and trio help pls

Need help pls I'm having a bit of a jam tonight with my friend on his alto me on my alto and my outher friend on guitar . I haven't been playing long as you might already know so need some advice . Ok so we are going to have a go on the classic freddie freeloader probably just mess around with the head and see what we can do but how would we get the guitarist to join in as it is written for alto sax . Any ideas on this would be fantastic also any ideas in what we could do with it to make it fun . Like I say very new to playing so only just started cords improvisation etc last week so simple as possible pls lol cheers everyone . Ps what a nice day it is today loving life 🙂
Andy if you are playing over a progression that starts with G7 for 4 bars..

Then your guitarist needs to play the following

Bb7 for 4 bars
Eb7 for 2 bars
Bb7 for 2 bars
Ab7 for 2 bars.

Repeat once and the guitarist needs to play Bb7 at the end and not Ab7.. That is if my Realbooks right..

Cheers chris thats helped a lot I will get my mate to print off the cords I'm sure he will find them on the Internet somewhere . What's the crack with the capo lol is that because it will make it more blues like or am I missing the joke lol
Guitarists like to play in E which puts you in C#. A capo clips on the fretboard and is the equivalent of the keyboard player flicking a switch. Same fingering in a different position gives you the transposition.

I used to play with a guitarist who had just taken up banjo. The fingerings were so complicated, he restrung the banjo in Eb and off we both went in C.

Colin (Bad Guitarist)
It's a skill to be able to play with others and worth learning. It will improve your timing - the "tricky bit slow down" school of rubato doesn't work when playing with others.

I had some friends around last weekend (string players - we were 3 violins, 1 viola, 2 cellos, with me switching to tenor viol when we needed a second viola). The challenge is to know the art of the possible and admit your limitations. We dropped Bach's Badinerie form the second suite and also the Scott Joplin as too tricky.
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Hi - sorry for slow response - too busy.... No, we've not done that yet. We've come together as an ad-hoc group as I got asked in the local coffee shop (long story....) if I could provide some string music for a Mad Hatter's birthday tea party....

We're rehearsing for the event, which is in September - I'll see if I can record some of one of our sessions.
Andy, just to cut through all the bull ****e. if you and your friend are both on alto's and he's a little more advanced that you just hit him with some killer vibrato at the end of each phrase, pop in a few growels here and there innit, and you've nailed him short don't worry it ain't no competition just enjoy the night.....
Cheers for your response guys . It's just a bit of fun for us at the moment sound effects and vibrato are way off at the mo lol I have been playing longer than my mate but still very much new to it all I'm just trying to get my mate to my level and then crack on with it and get my mate involved . I did have a go at growling the other day but just for a laugh good video on youtube guy called randy hunter 🙂

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