Picking Out Pepper...

Hey out there...I just picked up copy of "Coltranes" Dakar and despite some mediocre reviews I've read online I'm loving it!! A good solid set that well over ear phones, but there's one thing I need some help with: does anyone know who's in the order of solos? I'd love a way to differentiate between the two Bari's and pick out Pepper Adams, I've been diggin' this guy on YouTube and he's an absolute Monster...
there's a bit of info here - http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=30708
"The three saxophonists roar into the opening title track, Payne soloing first, then Coltrane, then Adams. There's a fierce, devil may care atmosphere, rolling around in the sound of the instruments, which establishes a mood sustained throughout the album. There's a telling moment towards the end of the closing "Cat Walk" when Payne's baritone emits a horrible squeak. Even in 1957, most producers would have asked for another take, or got busy with a razor blade. It's retention, for whatever reason (lack of money, lack of time, confidence in the fundamental quality of the music), on the finished album adds to the sense of reportage and the enjoyment."

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