Keyboards Piano lessons...or not....


Sax-Mad fiend!
Café Supporter
As some of you know, we got a piano recently to enable my daughter to have lessons.
I have been trying to teach's slow and painful for the listeners, but I think I'm doing OK.

I thought I'd post a recording of my daughter - no editing, a few mistakes and a couple of comments along the way, but I think she's doing OK (for no lessons!)
That was brilliant - (even with mistakes) for someone who hasn't had lessons too! sounds like she's pedalling really well (which is tricky!) and everything flows smoothly and she plays with great feeling :welldone
What Laura said (although I know absolutely nothing about pedalling unless it's a pushbike). She sounds like she knows what she's doing. Very nice indeed.

Like you I've tried teaching myself but my hands don't work together - slow and painful, indeed. I had a couple of lessons from my old neighbour and did improve but sadly we moved 🙁 and now I don't bother unless I want to hear a chord progression.

I'm sure she'll be great in no time at all (already sounds great to me)

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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