Recording pc recording


Help, I've done with audacity.The error message drove me crazy. I have a desk top computer,Shure 57 beta mike. blue icicle. All I want to do is record listening to my backing tracks on my computer. PLEASE give me info on what program to use. I'm a novice on the computer. I have downloaded Reaper and n track studio and dont know if they are what i should be looking for. I need the simplest program possible (65 plus) Your help and time is very appreciated.
Hello, for some reason I am getting feedback when I record, the pulse button moves in and out when this happens. I have disabled and enabled everything possible. Even when i remove the mike from the computer , it still happens. When i disable the the computer speaker the error message appears about the device. I am not smart enough to use Mixcraft 5, over my head. IF you can maybe help me with my Audacity problem it will be appreciated. regards, Dominic PS. I have used Audacity for some time and have never experienced this problem. I have a PC, I use a Shure 57 with a blue icicle interface.
If it worked before, then it will hopefully work again!

Although unlikely to be the problem, un-install & re-install Audacity - this will take it back to default settings...

Look at the 'sound' then 'recording' settings within windows, click properties tab for your interface, check that enhancements are disabled (although if you have not been there before most unlikely they are the problem...).

Others here will be more familiar with feedback, hopefully they might be able to suggest something????

ps: Don't be too fearful of Mixcraft, with just a little knowledge it becomes easier & faster than Audacity....

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