Jazz Paul Gonsalves


Well-Known Member
years ago I saw a video of Duke Ellington and was blown away by Paul Gonsalves playing an amazing tenor solo, I've not been able to find it since but in my searching I've found a few other clips of the wonderful Mr Gonsalves with Duke -

http://youtu.be/GkElnIiE4U4 - Crescendo and Diminuendo In Blue

http://youtu.be/KZaNPfDU8b0 - Blow By Blow

http://youtu.be/m31w0Pj8vys - Chelsea Bridge

http://youtu.be/emgd6MbUExI - Up Jump

http://youtu.be/mtWCq4cyRqQ - Crescendo and Diminuendo In Blue - again - you can't have too much of a good thing..

of course all of Ellington's band were good, but it's Paul Gonsalves for me at the moment🙂

Yes, he was really great.

That performance on Blow by Blow is superb - I have got that whole concert on LP and I must look into getting the DVD if it's available.


Diminuendo and Crescendo became Ellington's staple rabble rouser with Paul Gonsalves after it drove the crowd wild at Newport in 1956. The whole of Ellington's performance was his comeback after several years of not so great commercial success and he was never out of the public's eye again. The original vinyl LP "Ellington at Newport" had a couple of Gonsalves' 27 odd choruses omitted as there wasn't room for them. My CD copy is the same although I believe a later CD has the whole performance. Either are well worth getting.

Gonsalves also played a tremendous solo on The Opener on a BBC Jazz 625 programme (remember that anyone?) when the Ellington band was in UK in the 1960s . It was repeated a few years ago and I am always glad I taped it.
Yup. It's also got a tremendous drum solo from Sam Woodyard from a part of the (I think) Timon of Athens suite.

Jazz 625 had some great artists. There was a very good Coleman Hawkins show, with Sweets Edison on trumpet. There was also a great back to New Orleans one with Red Allen, who I never got to see live, possibly backed by the excellent Alex Welsh band.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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