What do you use on your older pads? Is there a special conditioner? Do you use a leather treatment? How often do you use it?
Thank you.
Thank you.
My esteemed friend Bob Anram (a phenomenal NY tenor saxophonist) swears by using Blistex to recondition old and dry pads:
The only treatment I apply (when repadding a horn) is Ferree's T80 silicone pad treatment:
But that is a preventative application, and not a restorative one.
Hi John,
I've not experienced any sticking as a result of using the Ferrees product. The silicone ingredient is the key. It does seem to help to effectively repel moisture absorption and thus extend the pad's life however.
You want to be using some of this:
You want to be using some of this:
Thanks. I'll give it another look. It has been several years since I tried it. I can't remember what I didn't like about it. Does it discolor (darken) the leather once it is applied? That may have been my objection.
What? Why?...EEEWWWWWWWWW :shocked:
Again, What? and Why?Oooh look! Genuine snake oil. Or is it extra extra virgin chip fat, or maybe some 3 in 1. Do you have to stick pins in the pads to make it work?
I boiled the mouthpiece
What? Why?...
Again, What? and Why?
Is that bad to boil the mouthpiece? I put it in a cup of water and Microwaved it for 2 minutes. It might not have really boiled but it got to about 200*.Ouch!
Is that bad to boil the mouthpiece? I put it in a cup of water and Microwaved it for 2 minutes. It might not have really boiled but it got to about 200*.
OK, I think the general consensus is that Mr Saxophone world Headquarters is as bent as a ten bob note regarding his exploits within saxophone land.......BUT! this product is through Music Medic right? surely Kurt Alterak wouldn't be selling it if it was as you suggest?Well.... it looks like a sample for the doctor, so that's probably why the eeeewwwww
The sticking pins is a reference to what we see in films and television shows when a witch doctor inflicts pain by sticking pins in a doll. Calling it Voodoo is pure marketing. Do we still believe in magic?
Leather is processed skin and being an organic product, it has a shelf life and when it's done it's done. I'm a big fan of leather. I have furniture, clothing, footwear and over the years have tried lots of these so called wonder products. Most leather treatments are oil based. Any oil will soften and waterproof leather. The benefits of applying it to pads is suspect. This type of product will only put off the inevitable replacement of pads that are done in my experience.