Ok folks first of all please be aware that you are dealing with a question from a technophobe so please keep all answers simple. Thanks
Now the question, I have been busking for nearly 18 months and from this I have been asked to play at quite a few weddings. Well so far I have got away with my little battery powered amp. However I feel that this sometimes lacks the power I need and also doesn't give a professional impression to any potential clients.
For the busking I am going to stick to my amp, but I am looking to invest in a p.a system for the weddings etc.
So question 1 I suppose is what sort of system do I go for and how powerful? remember there is only me, my backing tracks and my Saxophones involved.
Now the question, I have been busking for nearly 18 months and from this I have been asked to play at quite a few weddings. Well so far I have got away with my little battery powered amp. However I feel that this sometimes lacks the power I need and also doesn't give a professional impression to any potential clients.
For the busking I am going to stick to my amp, but I am looking to invest in a p.a system for the weddings etc.
So question 1 I suppose is what sort of system do I go for and how powerful? remember there is only me, my backing tracks and my Saxophones involved.