Original tune "Jokes on you"

Nice improvisation. Not sure whether the "tune" is just a device for your improvisation. The tune is simple (which can be good) but just repeats the one line and moves it back and forth into different keys. Not exactly a song, but accomplishes adding chord movement. The sax is a little low (background under the rhythm section) in the mix initially but works well in the improv section.

The tune that follows (go figure) is much more of a tune. Is this yours?

"Jokes" an excellent effort that shows off your improvisational abilities.
Nice improvisation. Not sure whether the "tune" is just a device for your improvisation. The tune is simple (which can be good) but just repeats the one line and moves it back and forth into different keys. Not exactly a song, but accomplishes adding chord movement. The sax is a little low (background under the rhythm section) in the mix initially but works well in the improv section.

The tune that follows (go figure) is much more of a tune. Is this yours?

"Jokes" an excellent effort that shows off your improvisational abilities.

Alot of tunes are a device for a solo.Seems a good theme thats stated at the start and end like most tunes.For me thats called a song.Overall for me its a good well done job.Nice theme,nice solo.
Nice improvisation. Not sure whether the "tune" is just a device for your improvisation. The tune is simple (which can be good) but just repeats the one line and moves it back and forth into different keys. Not exactly a song, but accomplishes adding chord movement. The sax is a little low (background under the rhythm section) in the mix initially but works well in the improv section.

The tune that follows (go figure) is much more of a tune. Is this yours?
"Jokes" an excellent effort that shows off your improvisational abilities.

The tune that follows is indeed mine. Thanks a million for your comments, the tune is a device for my improvisation, but then I guess so are most 🙂 Thanks again for taking the time to listen 🙂 I didn't really want to establish a "song" vibe with this rather a hip (trip) hop vibe !!
Alot of tunes are a device for a solo.Seems a good theme thats stated at the start and end like most tunes.For me thats called a song.Overall for me its a good well done job.Nice theme,nice solo.
Songs = Tunes = MUSIC ... Love the comments and appreciate your time 🙂 Thank you !

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