No, I personally read into it differently.....Awhile back, for instance, you took an extreme action of disapproval when it was 'empirically' evident you had a problem with a rhythmic sequence. You even went to the extreme of labeling on your Soundcloud page, precisely the sequence in question (coordinate), that this is where there is exceptional rhythm. I laughed when I saw that. You also questioned the integrity of the listeners at the Cafe thinking it was a 'conspiracy' against you! This has been more or less your pattern even on SOTW when Take Five was an issue. You didn't 'listen' to what those other guys were saying. You had blinders on!
Now if it's a matter of subjection, okay, but objectively a few pointed this out and still you refused
to accept the fact that your rhythm was in issue whether it was in 5/4 or 4/4. On jazz recordings you certainly do have an issue with rhythm. Just my opinion...These smooth jazz type pieces you are more adept at controlling that.
My deficienices are forever on the saxophone and I'm not insecure enough not to clearly point them out. You're entitled to have your say, which goes without saying. Just don't put your head in the sand when it's clearly evident that something is clearly not working. You're only defense is that it's you being an individual. I'm very happy when you get positive results. I'm sincere in that assessment. What bothers me about your attitude is your ego. You can't handle it when there are some who can clearly indicate that there may be an indeficiency.
You mentioned pattern forming....I sure as hope you certainly don't mean jealousy? God, I hope this is not what you're implying!
Rest assured in your own psyche that everything I've mentioned is merely a fabrication of my own thinking process.
How you make me scratch my simple head yet again Mike.You bring up the the Soundcloud epic tale here.So lets refresh eh !!! you said "Ah, the controversial 2:13 mark.....Hmm....
Between 2:13-2:31 the rhythm isn't very good and it's obviously throwing you off.
I can't really hear it in detail because you're blowing over it, so I counted out the rhythm, as in
conducting it with swings of my hand...(Down-to the Right-swing to the Left-back to Up position)
It's just not a good modulation. It compromised the 4/4. Once that modulation cleared everything fell back into place and you responded as you rhythmically should.
If you could present the track with no sax, then we could estimate the smoking gun.
Dave, you really don't feel you were on rhythm do you? Don't take this personal because it's how we're hearing it.
As I once mentioned we have to keep balance with the good and bad and treat them as equal.
I just replyed saying it felt fine to me etc,i was happy etc.As for soundcloud its called humour i stress,its free of charge.
And whats this about "You also questioned the integrity of the listeners at the Cafe thinking it was a 'conspiracy' against you!
What a load of rubbish there.Show me where i said such a thing please.
Now you say "Now if it's a matter of subjection, okay, but objectively a few pointed this out and still you refused
to accept the fact that your You mentioned pattern forming....I sure as hope you certainly don't mean jealousy? God, I hope this is not what you're implying!
was in issue whether it was in 5/4 or 4/4. On jazz recordings you certainly do have an issue with rhythm. Just my opinion...These smooth jazz type pieces you are more adept at controlling that"
I dont think i have a problem as you call it but like all players i can improve it like EVERY other thing about playing a sax.
And now you go on about my ego !!!!!! yes i have 1.Has every good player got 1,OH YESSSSS.You need 1.
You also say "You mentioned pattern forming....I sure as hope you certainly don't mean jealousy? God, I hope this is not what you're implying! ", they you go thinking to hard again Mike.How on earth do you come up with that ???????? please tell me more on this.
You seem to have covered alot about me there Mike,again !!! As normal i just keep things wayyy more simple and never stretch out my thoughts as you but here goes.Your a great player who seems very uptight for some reason.You over react to things.God help anyone who disagrees with you.Anyone that does have a thing or 2 to reply back on a given subject can then look forward to all the above with very long worded replys....
So like the thread you mentioned i will repeat what i said there and thats something along the lines of i post a clip,a person replys saying i should of done this or that,if i agree i say so,if i dont i will say so !!!!!!!!! again nothing more simple than that.OH BUT then theres you Mike !!!
I'm sure at times you get bored and just love a good old argument.I look ahead to another ear bashing.
PS, Can you tell me what you think of Sonny Rollins rhythm please.Nice to hear your thoughts on his time concept.