Saxophones Ooooh nice!... or is it?


Well-Known Member
Café Supporter


But look at the "Super Dynaction" engraving (last photo). A re-lacquer perhaps?...


This is mine, on the alto:


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The Super Dynaction in the first photo looks stamped rather than engraved. But does look like a relac.

Second photo it looks a bit DIY engraving, perhaps that's what they were like. I had a Super Dynaction tenor once, but i don't remember the logo engraving.
Second photo it looks a bit DIY engraving, perhaps that's what they were like. I had a Super Dynaction tenor once, but i don't remember the logo engraving.

Agreed, given the relative modern-ness of the horn and the company , I can`t see the second engraving being original, looks like someone did it at home experimenting with one of those Wiggle-tools they use for the ric-rac bell engravings., the tenor looks very much like a re-laq by the worn engraving but the Dynaction labelling looks real.

I`ve noticed on a few old USA horns that the engraving isn`t sharp and in some cases, positively soft, one example was my tatty 14M which no one in their right mind would re-lacquer and it was in a state which looked like it had a hard time over the past 55 years but it looked like it had been re-lacquered by the engravings
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Agreed, given the relative modern-ness of the horn and the company , I can`t see the second engraving being original, looks like someone did it at home experimenting with one of those Wiggle-tools they use for the ric-rac bell engravings., the tenor looks very much like a re-laq by the worn engraving but the Dynaction labelling looks real

You can buy cheap electric engraving tools which produce that sort of result for a few quid. While handy for putting your initials on hand tools if you are a tradesman and want to be able to identify your own tools, a series of pop-marks is a pretty crude way to engrave.

PS - I quoted Ads' post above, but it turned out differently!
It looks like a small zig-zag to me rather than pop marks . look closely at the U on Super to see it , definatly the zig-zag of one of those hand wiggle tools ..... whatever , it looks way too crude for Buffet - if it was Italian or German then maybe but I`d be surprised if Buffet did that .

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